Welcome to the Animal & Wildlife Welfare, Abuse & Crime Report brought to you by the Sustainable Action Network (SAN)!
First, Shenzhen Becomes First City to Ban Dog and Cat Meat in China. Sign this to make it illegal across the board for gods sakes.
Next, a 2-Year-Old Killed at Santa Anita This Morning which begs me to ask, why are they training now anyway? The CHRB has confirmed the death of Smiling Ali while training at Santa Anita this morning. She was but two years old. This is the 10th kill at Santa Anita this year – factoring in the times (for obvious reasons, less training/racing), right on schedule.

Then, international celebrities Ricky Gervais and Peter Egan are making their voices heard in the fight against dog meat through a collaboration with the Dog Meat Free Indonesia (DMFI) coalition.
A new DMFI campaign is urging Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to shut down the country’s inhumane live animal markets, where wildlife and domestic creatures are caged, mercilessly slaughtered to order and sold for human consumption.
“Populations of protected species of wildlife are being decimated, companion animals are being stolen,” explained DMFI coalition co-ordinator Lola Webber, “and every month, tens of thousands of animals are illegally transported into, and slaughtered in, densely populated cities to supply the demand for dog, cat and ‘exotic’ meat.”
The initiative comes during one of the biggest health crises in modern history. COVID19, which has been traced back to a “wet market” in Wuhan, China, is showing the world how protecting animal welfare can also protect human health.
“It’s not the first time a terrible disease has started because of people eating things they shouldn’t,” said Gervais. “I mean this one comes from eating pangolins. Pangolins! Stop eating everything that moves! It’s going to kill us all!”
Call to close Indonesia's cruel and filthy live animal markets
Further, even amid a global pandemic the Trump administration continues to work hard to dismantle wildlife protections everywhere. The latest attack: The White House has just appointed Anna Seidman, a lawyer from Safari Club International, an organization that promotes trophy hunting, to be the Assistant Director for International Affairs for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. So after a career of putting the interests of hunters above wildlife, she’ll now be in charge of regulating the import of hunting trophies from listed species like elephants and lions!
Overall, with all of the worrisome news in the world around us, the wildlife we love is at risk of being lost in the shuffle.
Absent from the news cycle: Gray wolves may soon be nationally delisted from federal Endangered Species Act protections. Orcas are starving to death in the Pacific Northwest. And the Trump administration is about to sign off on Big Oil's industrial invasion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
The Trump administration is not dialing back its attacks on wildlife and wild places – so we can’t stop our efforts to fight back!
That's why an anonymous donor has offered to provide $25,000 of critical funding to save imperiled species – if 1,500 supporters show they care about wildlife and donate by March 31st.
We're asking everyone to remain vigilant on behalf of the wildlife depending on us for survival. We're up against some of the most serious threats we've ever seen, and our resources are stretched to the breaking point
Your gift, backed by the challenge amount, will fuel an urgent far-reaching strategy to protect wildlife by supporting:
Dozens of lawsuits we've filed on behalf of red wolves, Mexican gray wolves, polar bears, right whales and other threatened and endangered animals;
Tireless efforts by our field teams across the country responsible for science, public education and state-level advocacy;
Science-based advocacy in Washington DC to keep the heat on the Administration and the Congress; and
A voice for animals that have no voice of their own.
The world is looking away from the pain and suffering of our most vulnerable wildlife, but we know you're different. You love wildlife and you're worried about their future. You can be the difference.
Further, the coronavirus has caused a lot of fear and panic among people all over the world. With more and more confirmed cases, it is no wonder people are taking preventative measures to reduce their likelihood of exposure. Bird Flu, Swine Flu, and now the Coronavirus are clear examples where poor animal welfare practices, in trade and farming result in viruses that mutate and spread! With your activism and strength, we have been working hard to put an end to poor animal welfare practices. Please feel free to help us continue the fight for better animal welfare practices. Take the next step today. Ending the commercial trade in wild animals taken from their natural habitats will reduce the serious human health hazards associated with moving stressed, sick and injured wildlife through international trade routes. Take the next step – your matched gift goes twice as far in improving animal welfare and ending the commercial wildlife trade. You could also help prevent the next big pandemic.
Next, by capturing, trading and slaughtering wildlife, humans are spreading disease. In the past 40 years, the worst human pandemics, including COVID-19, have stemmed from wildlife trade and consumption and habitat destruction. Wildlife trade is also driving species like pangolins and giraffes toward extinction. It has to stop. Please support our efforts to stop the wildlife trade with a gift to the Saving Life on Earth Fund. COVID-19 is now exposing that the primary drivers of the extinction emergency — exploitation of wildlife and habitat loss — are also fueling global pandemics. And the United States is one of the world's top importers of wildlife, responsible for an estimated 20% of the global wildlife market. Elephants, aquarium fish, rhinos, parrots, turtles and even seahorses are all victims of those who want to exploit wildlife. It's the same mentality we see with trophy hunters, who target endangered species to decorate their walls and social media feeds. The pursuit of small African mammals brought a monkeypox outbreak to the country in 2003, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. The United States imports roughly 244 million live animals a year. Wildlife should never be commodities, especially when the trade puts us at risk of disease outbreaks. The global trade in wildlife needs to end immediately. We could lose a million species in the coming decades unless we change business as usual. We must put an end to the commercial exploitation of wildlife — and halt the destruction of habitat that is leaving wildlife homeless. Wild animals belong in the wild. Without them, there is no us. The Saving Life on Earth Fund.
ISPCA resigns from Greyhound Forum

The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has resigned from the International Greyhound Forum. The forum comprises members of Irish and UK animal welfare groups alongside those exploiting greyhounds for racing and coursing, i.e. the Irish Greyhound Board, Irish Coursing Club and Greyhound Board of Great Britain.

On Monday, March 16th we posted video documentation of NYC carriage drivers still operating during the pandemic and recklessly giving shared, reused blankets to passenger after passenger, including young children, despite the critical call by government and health officials to practice social distancing and take other health precautions in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus. As we've continued to document, carriage drivers are still out on the streets every day potentially putting people at risk.
NYCLASS called on Mayor Bill de Blasio to immediately SHUT DOWN the carriage rides.
Yesterday actor and animal advocate Alec Baldwin joined our efforts by calling on his hometown Mayor to stop allowing carriage drivers to put people at risk during COVID-19 by writing this letter:
March 18, 2020
The Honorable Bill de Blasio Mayor of New York City
Dear Mayor de Blasio,
I am writing to applaud your efforts to protect New Yorkers from COVID-19 by closing schools, restaurants, and bars—and to ask that you shut down one shady trade that continues to put people at risk: horse-drawn carriage operators.
As we face an unprecedented crisis of contagion, it is shocking that carriage drivers still cram tourists into small carriages and give them shared, reused blankets, with the driver seated just inches ahead of them. This reckless disregard may well fuel the spread of the coronavirus to both New Yorkers and unwitting visitors from across the country.
Mr. Mayor, I ask that you immediately halt horse-drawn carriage rides as you have other tourist attractions, and I echo my friends at PETA and NYCLASS in hoping that this scurrilous trade will remain closed for good.
Alec Baldwin
Run-Down Roadside Zoo Makes Caged Animals Miserable
Man Caught Shooting a Trapped Coyote Over and Over
These Pigs Can’t Escape Being Viciously Killed for Meat
Sheep Shearer Punches Sheep in Face
7 Reasons to Cut Out Dissection (ASL)
Trapped Tiger With Urgent Medical Condition Needs Your Help
This tiger’s story will break your heart! Lila is stuck in a barren, cramped cage at Waccatee Zoo with an unknown medical condition that is leaving her hairless. Help send her to an accredited sanctuary NOW! Urge Monster Coupon to STOP advertising this abusive roadside zoo! http://peta.vg/2rh3
The Hidden Victims of Australia’s Bush Fires
Thanks to the determined activism of more than 200,000 kind people, PETA and our international affiliates have secured a landmark victory for gentle donkeys: Kenya has banned the slaughter of donkeys for the vile ejiao trade!
It was a groundbreaking PETA investigation that blew the lid off the cruel Chinese ejiao industry in 2017, revealing for the first time that frightened donkeys are bashed in the head with sledgehammers before their throats are slit, all so that their skin can be boiled down to make gelatin for traditional medicine, candies, and beauty products. That exposé made headlines around the world, sparking dozens of anti-ejiao demonstrations and leading to a precipitous decline in revenue for China's largest ejiao producer, Dong-E-E-Jiao.
In a follow-up investigation last year, PETA visited government-sanctioned donkey slaughterhouses in Kenya, where thousands of donkeys were killed every day almost exclusively for ejiao. Before meeting a violent end, many were deprived of food and water during a grueling journey from neighboring countries such as Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Luckily, the days of donkey slaughterhouses in Kenya are numbered, thanks to the news that the country's cabinet secretary for agriculture has banned them, ordering them to close within a matter of weeks!
But the cruel killing of donkeys is far from over. Today, donkeys or their skin are being imported into China from elsewhere in Asia, the Middle East, and South America—while other countries, including Australia, are shamefully considering opening up a live-export donkey trade.
With your help, we'll keep working until donkeys are no longer tormented and killed for their skin, for tourism, or for any other reason.
Do You Know What Happens to Crocodiles for Celebs’ Exotic Bags?
Anmd last, the current COVID-19 pandemic have many of us worried about how best to care for our family, including cats, dogs, and other companion animals, if we fall ill or need to leave the home for an extended time. In conjunction with animal shelter staff and a veterinarian, we have compiled a list of what you should prepare for your animals’ care, should primary caregivers be unavailable.
While you should always have an emergency plan in place for your animals, the unique circumstances created by COVID-19 may present new factors to consider when putting together a care plan. The Animal Legal Defense Fund recommends preparing a bag with documentation and supplies in advance of an emergency.
Ideally, you should have a plan in place for your pets, that includes:
Caregiver. A designated care person who has access to your home to care for your animals. Due to many lockdown orders in many states, traveling is more complicated. Consider asking someone local, like a neighbor, to be an emergency caregiver for your pets. And offer to do the same for them.
Food. A three to six-week supply of food, treats, water, and litter. Write a note with the amount of food and times of day your animal is fed.
Medication. If your pet is on any medication, make sure to have a 30-day supply readily available and provide detailed dosage instructions.
Allergies. A list of any allergies your pet may have.
Vet Records. Vaccination and medical records.
Leash. Easy access to collars, harnesses, leashes, and travel crates or carriers.
I.D. If applicable, that your animal is wearing a tag with contact information.
Toys. Something that will comfort your pet if they need to be removed from the home, like their favorite toy, a bed, or something that smells like you.
Vet Contact Info. Veterinarian contact information and an emergency veterinarian’s contact information, in case your pet’s veterinary office is closed due to COVID-19 precautions. A pet first aid kit.
Photo. A current photo of your pet.
If you live alone, consider signage in your home that is visible indicating there is an animal in the home. Additionally, this is a great time to make sure your pet’s microchip is registered and up to date.
These are uncertain times. Our animals rely on us and we are their first line of defense. Having an emergency plan in place will ensure their health and safety.
Take Action, Responsibility & Wildlife...
"Corporations Are People My Friends."
Our companies are known for creating products that enhance people's lives. Through Sunset Corporation of America and its companies, we’re equally dedicated to improving lives. Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.
The Sustainable Action Network (SAN), A Don Lichterman non-profit organization dedicated to building a global community raising awareness of corruption, injustice and the need for action across a full range of issues impacting people and animal/wildlife welfare around the world, such as conservation, climate change, campaign law, lobbying, government action and rescue work. SAN’s vision is to create safer world, free from political, environmental, and social oppression, where all the inhabitants of Earth can live in harmony within their own natural environments. Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.
Activism and Sustainability:
Gun Safety & Gun Laws
Cruelty Free
Death Penalty
Demand Action
Sustainable Action Network
Fairness and Equality:
Voters Issues & Gerrymandering
Private Prisons & the War on Drugs
Finance, Housing & the Economy Corporate Responsibility:
Candidates, Bills, Laws & Protections
Wildlife & Oceania
Labeling & Transparency
Comprehensive Captivity & Hunting Results Databases
Purchase gifts that help animals! The Animal Legal Defense Fund’s holiday shop is now open – for a limited time. Find past favorites and new designs in options including totes, shirts, hoodies, and even options for dogs!
These items make the perfect holiday gift for friends and family who care about animals. Spread the message of compassion and support the Animal Legal Defense Fund. 100% of the profits go to our work to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system.