On The Rampage w/ Don Lichterman discusses the latest Trump Rally in Hershey, PA, the low information voter that is the Trump fanbase and that helped him win on 2016, what liberals should truly know about these Trump voters, the Elephant in the Room, Maryland Men's Basketball teams loses first game this year, Ramu takes his first steps to freedom, after a 2-day journey of more than 1000 km, Ramu arrived at his new home at the WildlifeSOS Elephant Care and Conservation Centre while an Elephant and Calf Attacked With Firebombs, Loijuk brings newborn Lili back to the WildlifeSOS Sanctuary, the Hacking of an Elephant along with me playing the Draw My Life" video and the Sunset Music Video of the Week, 'Celebration of Alia' (Bahrain Society for Children with Behavioral & Communication Difficulties) and for autism awareness!
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