The following people are to get the Kim Trupiano Petition: James C. Foster, CEO, Charles River Laboratories; Joseph Herring, CEO, Covenance; Sheri McCoy, CEO, Avon; Kenneth C. Frazier, CEO, Merck; Takeshi KC Yamakawa, CEO, Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories USA; Mike Addy, Tier 1 Group, LLC; Edison Liu, CEO
Recently I was shocked and saddened by a series of videos that I watched on that showed helpless animals, particularly monkeys, dogs, cats and mice, that have been sold to a number of nefarious laboratory "testing" companies that are performing unnecessary and cruel experiments on our most trusting and believed companion animals and those sweet primates closest to us. If you could see their faces full of fear and vulnerability as they are strapped down, experimented on, drugged, dissected, poisoned, injected and all in the name of research - which is totally unnecessary and completely without merit. Join me and millions of other people around the world and many other nations who abhor animal testing as much as you do to send a message to those companies that buy, sell, transport, capture, breed and ultimately experiment, harm, abuse, maim and kill kind, sweet and trusting animals around the world for no real benefit other than monetary reward. Stand up for the animals that cannot speak for themselves.
Daniella Monet Thinks Dissection Is Wrong
Check out why Daniella Monet wouldn't dissect in school and her easy tips for ways that you can help save animals.
Christian Serratos Stands Up Against Dissection!
Labs are Euthanizing Rodents Used for Testing Due to Coronavirus Shutdowns
Sharon Vega writes that Living through a pandemic is confusing and scary for everyone. Many are quarantined, many are on lockdown, and most of us are social distancing and self-isolation to do our best. There is is a lot to learn from this time, especially concerning the humane treatment of animals. Factory farming and eating animals, for instance, are both strongly tied to coronavirus and other zoonotic diseases. And right now, animals used for lab testing, something that animal rights activists have long fought against, are suffering even more than usual due to lab shutdowns caused by the coronavirus pandemic. At the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, scientists were told to cull their mouse/rodent colonies as much as possible in response to the public health crisis caused by COVID-19. Universities across the country are actually freezing embryos and culling the rest of their lab animals.
Senior vice president of PETA, Kathy Guillermo says: “Experimenters are again choosing the path of convenience and simply killing animals who should never have been bought, bred, or experimented on in the first place.” She calls it a “killing spree.” If animals were never used this way, bred in captivity or forced to undergo testing and experiments, then they wouldn’t undergo cruel culls like this. The scientists claim to feel sad about doing it, but they don’t feel sad about subjecting the animals to testing and experimentation. Science Magazine notes that in many labs, animals are euthanized anyway when not born with the genetic profile needed for an experiment. This crisis is just highlighting what is already fundamentally wrong with animal testing.
Training the FDA on Alternatives to Animal Testing
Physicians Committee toxicologist Kristie Sullivan, MPH, led about 75 U.S. FDA scientists through a three-hour training session on assessing the safety of drugs and chemicals with Adverse Outcome Pathways—a framework for using data from nonanimal methods to understand chemical risks. More >

One important way the Physicians Committee works to ensure the acceptance of nonanimal test methods by regulatory agencies is to conduct or sponsor trainings for the scientists working at these agencies, since these scientists are making decisions about whether to accept nonanimal test methods every day.
Recently, the Physicians Committee was invited to spend an afternoon at the Food and Drug Administration in College Park, Maryland, conducting a training on the use of Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOP)—a framework or plan for using data from nonanimal methods to understand chemical risks. Together with other organizations and scientists, the Physicians Committee has been working to promote and develop the AOP framework. This is a key step in advancing nonanimal test methods, especially for the complex effects chemicals may cause, like cancer or reproductive harm.
On Tuesday, February 25th, Kristie Sullivan, MPH, vice president of research policy at the Physicians Committee, and Catherine Willett, from Humane Society International, led about 75 U.S. FDA scientists through a three-hour training session titled An introduction to the Adverse Outcome Pathway framework and its practical application in chemical safety evaluation. They discussed how the AOP framework has been developed, the importance of replacing animal tests for drug safety, and gave some examples of how a variety of Adverse Outcome Pathways could be used to assess the safety of drugs and chemicals.
The online and in-person audience was engaged and excited. The FDA have invited the Physicians Committee to continue to collaborate to create shorter training lectures on more nonanimal test method-related topics.
Stop Animal Testing - Animal Testing Weekly Updates
Dogs, cats, monkeys, horses, mice, rats, and many other animals are being cut open, burned, poisoned, and killed in cruel and archaic experiments.
Animal testing is a major problem. About 1,438,553 animals [Not including rats, mice and other small animals] are killed in testing each year!
These tests are cruel and in-humane.
Animals are often taken form streets or bought from shelters to become test subjects!
Just think, you could loose your pet one day and find out the animal shelter sold him/her to testers!
The tests preformed are extremely cruel. And we fund them.
Many tax dollars go to these cruel companies to make animal tests happen. we need to reduce the amount of animal tests going on, if not get rid of tests for good.
But today, you can do twice as much to help end their suffering.
Please help the PETA "Stop Animal Testing" challenge today and sign the Petition to Stop Animal Testing at once!
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