The SAN Rescue Network, Wildlife Aid TV, Official PETA TV, Flying Fur Animal Rescue, Animals Asia, ASPCA, Hope For PAWS, Beagle Freedom Project...
Support the Rescuing Animals With Rewards (RAWR) Act to End Wildlife Trafficking
By latest estimates, over 1 million species are in danger of disappearing globally. Much of this is due to biodiversity's arch-enemy, climate change. But there is another culprit that is also picking off our earth's beautiful animal species one by one - the lucrative and illegal wildlife trafficking trade. Many of these animals end up part of the tourism industry like the orcas and dolphins of SeaWorld to which Expedia still sells tickets. Other animals, on the other hand, are not so lucky.
Animals like lions, tigers, chimpanzees, gorillas, and many more are the targets of organized crime syndicates that trade in their flesh and bone, killing them in unsustainable numbers and selling them for souvenirs, trinkets, and "medicine."
It is paramount that governments like the United States create strong legislation that works against these organizations and the destruction they cause. One such remedy could be the Rescuing Animals With Rewards (RAWR) Act. The RAWR Act was introduced in May of 2019 and would empower the United States State Department to offer financial rewards in exchange for information that leads to the disruption of the multi-billion dollar wildlife trafficking trade. Since the bill's introduction by U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Jeff Merkley, it has lingered in the Senate chamber. Meanwhile, the House acted swiftly and passed it in July.
Unfortunately, that wasn't good enough to make it law. Now, in order to make it a reality, both the Senate and House will have to reintroduce the bill for the 2020 session. Last year's delay in the Senate is worrying. This is a bill that could save millions of animal lives and help stem the global extinction crisis but it was allowed to fizzle out. Will there be movement this year?
It is more important than ever to strengthen our nation's laws against trafficking and that's why the RAWR Act is so crucial.
Freedom, Lived in Peace 2000-2020
Even during the on-going and devastating coronavirus crisis, life at our sanctuary in China goes on, and sadly so does death. The number one priority of the bear care and vet teams at our rescue centres is to give the bears we rescue the best lives possible, full of enrichment, friendship, comfort and love. Their second and in many ways more difficult priority is to give our bears, many of whom have suffered extreme trauma in captivity or capture, the best possible end of life when the time comes. Sadly bears passing is a fact of life and our sanctuaries eventually become bear hospices for chronically ill, elderly or infirm bears.
Every bear has their own unique story and character and Freedom was in some ways luckier than most. As she was rescued as a cub she was never subjected to the process of bile extraction for which she was captured. She overcame the disability inflicted upon her by the snares her captors set and she went on to spend 20 magical years at the Chengdu Bear Rescue Centre (CBRC) in China as one of the first bears rescued to the sanctuary. Animals Asia Founder & CEO, Jill Robinson said: “Our little Freedom has broken and won so many hearts over these years and given her family of carers some of the best days of our lives. She arrived at the end of 2000 - seeing gasps of shock at the sight of her two missing front paws after she was trapped illegally somewhere out in the wild. As a youngster, she will inevitably have seen her mother killed too and yet she became a bear of the most beautiful trust and character as she settled into life at CBRC.
“Freedom was one of the most stunning bears we’ve seen. Easily identifiable, not because she was missing those paws, but because of her exquisitely beautiful face and the ebony black ruff that fanned out around her like a shawl. An inquisitive and curious bear, she could always be seen bunny hopping around the enclosure, or sitting upright in her teddy bear pose. “ For our bear care teams the passing of a bear who they’ve looked after for many years can be a very emotional experience. Every time an animal in our care passes the tributes flow in and none more so than for Freedom. The process of reaching the decision to end the suffering of a bear that is in pain is never taken lightly and it involves lots of people, including the Bear Carers, Bear Team Supervisors, Vet Nurses, Vets, Bear Team Managers and the Bear and Vet Team Director. They hold several Quality of Life discussions in between trailing different behavioural management and medical management techniques before reaching a final decision together. Senior Vet Surgeon, Eddie Drayton said: “Despite the horrific start to her life, Freedom was one of the happiest bears at our centre. She was flirtatious with the other bears and active, and never hindered by her disability. She used her stumps in the most creative way, learning to climb poles by placing her stumps into the holes intended for enrichment. She surprised us all, and it was only last year that she started to show signs of decline.
“Late last year Freedom started elbow walking on her forelimbs, indicating that her previous way of moving was now causing pain and discomfort. At first she responded to the pain relief and rest we gave her, but the elbow walking became a recurrent event, and soon she stopped responding to the medication we had available. We consulted with specialists to see if there was anything more that could be done for Freedom. We performed multiple health checks, and even took Freedom for a CT scan so we could better understand her condition. But ultimately there was nothing more that could be done, and Freedom began to show signs of declining wellbeing. She was no longer the happy, easy going bear we had all come to love. It was at this time our team came to the most difficult but necessary decision to say goodbye to Freedom.
“She passed peacefully and quietly under the anaesthesia. Her post-mortem revealed chronic changes to her joints as well as ulceration of her stomach - a sign that her body was no longer coping with the medication she was receiving, or the stress of her condition." Team members at CBRC took a moment to reflect on the life of their beloved Freedom and the tributes continued flowing in like this from Bear Team Manager, Rocky Shi who said: “Freedom had smooth fur all over her body and clear, watery eyes, looking very cute. Though she had no forepaws, it didn't affect her normal foraging and activities; she could even climb the platform and man-made rocks. Only because recently her mobility issue had become severe enough to affect her normal life, we had no other choice but to say goodbye to her. Hope that she could live a healthy, happy life in heaven.”
Jill, who was present at Freedom’s funeral had the last word: “Thank you to our remarkable, caring team CBRC - you gave her the best years of her life. Rest in peace sweet Freedom, from your family who love you, Jillx”
Dogs rescued from fighting rings deserve a fighting chance. Tell the U.S. Congress to pass the HEART Act. Sign Now

When it comes to saving dogs from violent, coercive dog fighting rings, rescuing them is only half the battle. Unfortunately, once officials seize fighting dogs, they are required to isolate the animals for an extremely long period of time to make sure they are not violent. Many are euthanized without ever being housed. Isolation and life in a shelter add to these dogs' mountains of existing trauma, and do nothing to rehabilitate them like retraining in a loving home would.
U.S. Senators Kamala Harris and Susan Collins have introduced the HEART (Help Extract Animals from Red Tape) Act in the Senate, to go along with the popular bipartisan bill in the House. This would accelerate the process of reintegrating rescued fighting dogs, as well as hold their previous dog fighting owners financially responsible for their interim care and rehabilitation.

A baby muntjac deer is running free again after getting stuck in a metal gate, thanks to RSPCA officer Catherine Strawford’s quick thinking.
The poor creature found himself lodged between two bars in Sutton Coldfield, England. Bystanders thankfully alerted Strawford to the bleeding, distressed animal.
“The deer had obviously been running in the area at night,” Strawford said, “and thought he could get through the railings in the gates but misjudged the gap.”
After initially failing to free the stuck deer, the officer returned with dish soap. For the next 20 minutes, she gently worked him out of his predicament, using the soap as a lubricant.
As it turns out, encounters like these are not unusual for Strawford.
“We tend to be called to help quite a lot of deer trapped in this way and I always try and use washing-up liquid or cooking oil to try to ease them from the railings,” she explained. “It is often much easier and less stressful for the deer than calling on the help of fire and rescue, but of course if I couldn’t have eased him out I would have called for their help.”
When he was finally free, Stawford cleaned his wounds and the deer ran off.
“It was quicker than washing the dinner pots and so much more rewarding,” she said. “It was great to see him happily run off and hopefully he will learn from this lesson.”
Wellesley Beaver Rescue
After spending nearly a week stranded on a ledge along the Charles River in Norfolk County, Mass., a beaver finally escaped what could’ve been a tragedy.
Concerned residents called Wellesley Animal Control when they repeatedly noticed the same distressed animal beneath a footbridge for several days in a row. The agency worked with the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) to retrieve the critter using nets and return him to safety.
“Beavers typically are not very cooperative in rescue situations,” said the Animal Rescue League of Boston, “however, once the beaver was on the surface, ARL’s team was able to coax the beaver into a carrier and then transport him to a wildlife rehabilitation center.”
The animal looked weak and malnourished, which was likely due to being stranded without food for so long, but otherwise, she appeared uninjured.
Thank you to both the ARL and Wellesley Animal Control for their swift and selfless efforts to save this beaver’s life.
On March 5, 2020 the Animal Rescue League of Boston's (ARL) Field Services Team assisted Wellesley Animal Control in rescuing a distressed beaver at the Cordingly Dam Fish Passage along the Charles River. ARL's Field Services team armed with two humane nets were able to corral the beaver 15 feet below into one net while covering him with the other, and then slowly raised the animal to the surface of the ledge.
Beavers typically are not very cooperative in rescue situations, however, once the beaver was on the surface, our team was able to coax the beaver into a carrier and then transport him to a wildlife rehabilitation center.
Three-legged dog Mia
Dog Mia 🐶 was only three months old when she was hit by a car and seriously injured 🚗💢. She lost her front paw in the accident and was found covered in blood, frightened and in terrible pain. The Speranța team stepped in to care for her. 💓 Watch the video and read about the incredible transformation she went through once he was rescued ➡️
Tiny baby FOXES rescued from Heathrow runway!
Fox cubs are becoming a very common sight here at Wildlife Aid! With our number now up to an incredible THIRTY FOUR, we will be sharing some of their stories on this channel over the next few weeks. This group is one of our oldest, and they were rescued after being accidentally uncovered during works on London's Heathrow Airport runway. Sadly, they could not be left in place and we had no option but to admit them to the centre. Luckily, they are now growing up very well and are now part of our fox cub rehabilitation program. They will return to the wild as adults in late summer! DISCLAIMER - This video was filmed before the Covid-19 lockdown and, whilst we are classified as an 'essential service' and are allowed to remain open, we now have more advanced PPE measures in place. Music - 'Smile' from Bensound
Tiny baby FOXES need a helping hand to find mum!
Walled gardens can cause havoc with our native wildlife. Hedgehogs are unable to find food or a mate, habitats disappear for many of our smaller mammals and young fox cubs can become trapped without access to their mother! In this particular case, a group of young fox cubs had become trapped after their mother was scared out of a garden. Sadly, building works by the homeowner had then prevented her from coming back to fetch her litter. Luckily, Simon was soon on scene and quickly had the little cubs back where they belonged!
Orphaned baby FOX rescued after mothers tragic death
DISCLAIMER: Whilst this video was filmed before the government lockdown, Wildlife Aid is a veterinary hospital and is, as such, classified as an 'essential service' by the UK government. Full PPE and physical distancing procedures were followed throughout.
At this time of year, calls to rescue young fox cubs (also called kits or pups) skyrocket and, in just two weeks, we already have 26 here at the centre! Early one morning, Stuart, one of our rescuers, was called out to rescue a young fox cub that was found lying next to his very weak mother.
They were rushed back to the centre but, although the cub was unharmed, the mother sadly passed away during treatment (it later turned out she had been shot and was likely poisoned). Unfortunately, during the initial rescue, another cub was spotted in the den, so Lawrie set out to try and save it from a grisly fate...
Tiny Baby Rabbits arrive at the centre!
At this time of the year, it's not just baby foxes that are arriving at the centre! These baby rabbits arrived at the centre just before the UK lockdown after being orphaned. Luckily, they are now with one of our orphan feeders and doing very well!
Two tigers and three jackals found a new home
Days before a lockdown was announced in South Africa, FOUR PAWS was able to give a home to two tigers and three jackals at our LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary. Together with multiple other organisations, a total of 150 animals have found species-appropriate homes across the country after the Bloemfontein Zoo closed down.
Tiger brothers Shevar and Sharukh, along with the three jackals, have adapted really well in their new environment. Now, our team of caregivers will decide on names for the jackals.
Shevar and Sharukh have impressed us with their incredibly quick adaptation in their new environment, and they will be released into the bigger part of their enclosure in just a few days’ time. It is incredibly heartwarming for us to be able to give animals hope, and we can only do this with supporters like you! Help us take care of these 5 beautiful additions at LIONSROCK and to continue helping animals in need:
In recent weeks, you may have had to take extraordinary steps to create a safe haven for yourself and your loved ones. As you look after you and yours, rest assured that the Animal Legal Defense Fund is still working to create safe havens and happy homes for animals.
Right now, the Animal Legal Defense Fund is fighting to win justice for animal victims of cruelty and to protect countless more through 64 active civil litigation cases spanning all 50 states — combating abuse in all its forms. You may have read emails from us about Cricket Hollow Zoo; and we hope you watched the video we released just a few days ago.
As with many roadside zoos, Cricket Hollow Zoo was not a kind place for animals.Roadside zoos profit while the animals in their care suffer. We have been fighting to shutdown inhumane roadside zoos and rescue the animals residing in them for years.
It’s our responsibility to ensure that these animals get the best care and the good home they deserve.These animals need a voice. They need justice. And they need you.
Your generous donation gives animal victims a powerful voice. You’ll hold their abusers accountable for their animal cruelty crimes. And you’ll fight side-by-side with the Animal Legal Defense Fund for the protections all animals need and deserve.
You make a difference in animals’ lives when you stand with the Animal Legal Defense Fund.
Princess was only a few days old when she was separated from her mother, brutally tied up with ropes around her legs and neck and left to starve. Cruel children did this for a “joke” and then left the baby to die. Starting Over rescued her.
Starting Over, gets pleas for help from all over Israel and rescues every donkey and horse she can. They arrive at the sanctuary terrified and near-death. It takes time and love, but they recover. Now, they face an uncertain future again... HOW YOU CAN HELP:
Let us get straight to the point of this URGENT appeal: your help is needed now! We have nowhere else to turn.
In Israel, a haven for abused horses and donkeys is being forced to close. Innocent lives are in danger because they are being evicted from their sanctuary. The animals have been safe and loved at the Starting Over shelter in Kefar Yona, an area north of Tel Aviv. Almost all the animals were rescued from trouble spots – many from areas on the turbulent West Bank.
In certain areas, donkey abuse is routine. Donkeys and horses are used as transport but given only the most rudimentary care. They are semi-starved, whipped, beaten and forced to work until they drop. When they get sick or old, they are often abandoned.
Sharon Cohen, who founded Starting Over, gets pleas for help from all over Israel and rescues every donkey and horse she can. They arrive at the sanctuary terrified and near-death. It takes time and love, but they recover. Now, they face an uncertain future again.
She explained that the landlord has ended the lease and all the animals must be transported to a new home. If that does not happen, they could be returned to a horrible fate.
The thought of them being tormented again is so bitterly unjust that we have promised that, with your support, we will help pay for transport to a new sanctuary. Please help the donkeys of Israel find happiness and safety together in a new home.
Animals like Princess, an adorable little donkey…Princess was only a few days old when she was separated from her mother, brutally tied up with ropes around her legs and neck and left to starve. These next few words are hard to write because they are so ghastly: cruel children did this for a “joke” and then left the baby to die. Starting Over rescued her. Princess was found shivering from the cold, injured and crying for her mother’s milk.
That must make you feel so sad, but the good is that we helped rescue Princess and have promised to do our best to raise the money to move the donkeys to a new home.

This sweet dog struggled most of her life, dragging her broken body through the streets of China. She's missing an eye, has a hole under her ribs, and her digestive organs are out of place. Rescued by local group Ping An A Fu, she now knows love for the very first time.
Dogs, cats and other animals just like her are suffering right now. And as resources grow scarce in the coronavirus pandemic, they need us now more than ever. Help LFT keep supporting this and other rescues, and working to save all animals, by making a donation today.
Tiny Julie was found alone in the middle of a busy road, doing her best to avoid the traffic that whizzed past her. The Animal Rahat staff member who spotted her scooped her up quickly and carried her to safety. Only Julie knows how long she'd been struggling to survive on her own, with no one to show her kindness or provide the nutritious food that she needed to soothe her empty, growling stomach.
That rescue was just the beginning of Julie's transformation, and today, she's a beloved resident of Animal Rahat's sanctuary, which is supported by PETA projects and where all of her needs are met by a team of animal-care professionals.
Right now, many more dogs just like Julie could use Animal Rahat's help as they scrounge through piles of rubbish in search of food, longing for someone to give them the affection that every companion animal deserves. Unless such dogs are spayed or neutered – as Julie was after her rescue – their misery will compound with each new litter of puppies they give birth to on the streets.
That's why PETA projects support Animal Rahat's bold "street dog" sterilisation programme, which has helped thousands. Animal Rahat's team partners with local villages to spay or neuter every single "unfixed" dog in their communities – which is no small task, since this can mean performing more than 100 surgeries at each stop. These dogs also receive rabies vaccinations and any needed medical care.
Thanks to Animal Rahat's diligence, more than 20 villages have successfully sterilised 100% of their canine residents already, and the list grows longer each year. With your gift to PETA's projects supporting Animal Rahat, the group will be able to help dogs in even more communities.
Each village, like Bavachi, that works with Animal Rahat to sterilise 100% of the "community dogs" earns a banner announcing its wonderful achievement to everyone who visits the community.
On behalf of Julie – and the hundreds of other dogs who are leading happier, healthier lives because of Animal Rahat – thank you for your compassion and generosity.
Volunteer with the Animal Rescue Team
One of the most commonly asked questions for our Animal Rescue Team is, “How can I volunteer?” Our team has—and relies on—a strong network of volunteers to help us make a real difference for animals in rescue and disaster relief work. We truly depend on them to help us get this important, lifesaving work done.
One of the most common mistakes prospective volunteers make is waiting until a natural or man-made disaster strikes to begin the application process and to begin proper training and preparation for becoming an Animal Rescue Team volunteer. Unfortunately, by then, it’s too late. If you want to volunteer, it’s important to apply before a disaster. If you get everything done early, you, like our many other volunteers, will be ready to deploy when animals need our help.
I can’t speak enough to the impact people feel from saving animals in need. If you want to make a difference, this is a way to do it. I encourage you to start your application today. With hurricane season on the horizon, our team will be ready to deploy at a moment’s notice - The Humane Society of the United States