The SAN Rescue Network, Wildlife Aid TV, Official PETA TV, Flying Fur Animal Rescue, Animals Asia, ASPCA, Hope For PAWS, Beagle Freedom Project...
Meet Davey

Davey broke into the sanctuary. No, we’re not kidding! He was being raised for slaughter next door, broke into Animal Place, and added himself to the herd. Our animal care director convinced our neighbor to let Davey stay at the sanctuary forever.
Family reunion for rescued Baby Swan!
As regular viewers of this channel know, netting is a common cause of admission for patients here at Wildlife Aid.
This little cygnet was one such case. He had become tangled in discarded netting and was left with a small wound as a result, but our vet team soon had him fixed up and reunited with his family!
#HopeForPaws #Conan #TeamCoco Conan lived on the street and wouldn't surrender to me until I offered him a cheeseburger.
Today I need your help with special unique names for our rescues.
Please submit your name suggestion here:
If you would like to donate the cost of a cheeseburger that will help send me to the next rescue mission, please click here:
Other animals in this video: Brandi:
Conan is now looking for his forever home, and our friends at Foxy and the Hounds will handle his adoption.
You can apply to adopt him here: Thank you so much for sharing our videos!
Bears encouraged to participate in their own veterinary care at Animals Asia's sanctuaries.
Not everyone likes to go to the doctor, however the bears at Animals Asia’s sanctuaries in Vietnam and China enjoy it more than most.
This is because all of the bears in Animals Asia’s care are encouraged to help participate in their own health care. Our bear care teams work hard to develop rewarding and trusting relationships with the bears resulting in better health outcomes and less stress for the bears and their carers alike.
This is a far cry from the training some of our bears will have experienced in circuses where punishment is used to force them into performing for human entertainment. Our teams only use positive reinforcement with a range of treats that the bears particularly enjoy, which they come to associate with completing specific actions.
Dog Goh on Silk Island
#ProtectMillions - Goh is one of many dogs living on Silk Island. Unfortunately he was treated with a human medication which led to hair loss and other rather severe health problems. As you can see, he is not in a good condition - and to make things worse, the poor guy is also blind and constantly running against obstacles.
Wir took care of Goh, bathed and cleaned him and treated his wounds and infections. However, he will still need support in the future. Please keep up your fantastic help so we can continue our work on Silk Island️
Vet rescues FEISTY bat from a STICKY situation!
We deal with every species of UK wild animal here at Wildlife Aid, and many of them arrive in quite odd situations! Fly paper is a pet peeve of our vet team, we regularly see birds, insects, rodents and even bats stuck to it, leading to a horribly slow death if not helped. This little pipistrelle was one such case but, luckily, our vet team soon had him cleaned up and ready to return to the wild!
This Dog Was Chained to a Cinderblock—See Him Now!
For two years, Ziggy the dog was kept chained to a cinderblock, desperate for love and companionship—but as this new PETA video shows, everything changed when PETA's fieldworkers finally persuaded his owner to let him go to a new home. Now, he has a warm house, friends to play with, comfy beds to snuggle in, and the loving family he wanted so badly.
TRAPPED duck and ducklings given a helping hand to water!
As we move into our busiest time of year, cases like this will, sadly, be a common sight here at Wildlife Aid! After a female mallard laid her eggs in the middle of a block of flats (with no access to water), Simon, Ed and Stuart set off to help. Using Simon's proven 'keep-net trick', the team eventually managed to persuade the entire family inside and they were soon relocated to a much nicer body of water!
Blind kitten sits in a parking lot and wonders how will she survive in this world.
Luckily for Kenshi, Hope For Paws got a call about her, and things turned around quickly once JoAnn Wiltz and Katie McKittrick arrived. I really hope this will help convince you to join us with a small donation:
Two days after the rescue, the mom, dad and the two siblings were captured too. The mom and dad never had human contact, so Loreta Hernandez and Jessica Holguin got them spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and released.
They are fed daily, and they are happy. It is important to understand that there are THREE MILLION feral cats in Los Angeles and it's a real challenge. The best we can do is to try and get as many as possible fixed. Kitten season is almost here, and it's just a nightmare to be born to these conditions and I feel so sad for the ones we never hear about.
If you would like to see a longer version that includes the surgical procedure, you can see it here: - it's not for everybody... the surgery shows the removal of the eyes, but it really brings you closer to the things they have to deal with.
Kenshi was adopted to the most amazing home - you just have to see this kitten with the dogs at the end!
Kung Lao and Raiden are still looking for a home, and if you would like to adopt them, please contact our friends at:
Thanks for sharing our videos with your friends who LOVE cats :-)
National Justice for Animals Week starts on Sunday! This annual campaign is critical for everyone who cares about protecting defenseless animals — and it’s a chance for us to make twice the impact together. Be a part of the Animal Legal Defense Fund.
We began National Justice for Animals Week because of animals like Chuck the duck, whose story I’m about to share with you. We’re aiming to raise every dollar of this matching gift offer in just one week to fight for justice for animal victims of cruelty and neglect — and we need your help to do it.

Chuck was rescued along with nearly 150 other animals from a horrific hoarding situation in Carroll County, Tennessee. He was found in a cage with a duck who had died, and was himself filthy, emaciated, and dehydrated. Veterinarians feared the worst for Chuck. But after weeks of care at Animal Rescue Corps’ Rescue Operation Center, Chuck was healthy enough to be moved to Redemption Road Rescue, where he could receive further care and be with other ducks. Don, today Chuck is flourishing. What’s more, his rescue, along with the other 150 animals, set a legal precedent affirming the constitutionality of the bond-or-forfeiture law — an important law that requires animal abusers to pay for the care of their victims during the legal proceedings or relinquish their ownership. Without your help, Chuck’s story could have turned out very differently. That is the lifesaving power of your support. There are more animals who desperately need our help, and our ability to fight for them depends on you. Please be part of National Justice for Animals Week today.
For 2.5 years, these hens lived in cages so small they could barely spread their wings.

You can see that their nails grew long, often curving around the wire beneath them. And on Monday, these hens saw freedom for the first time! Your help liberates one hen from a cage and provides her with two weeks of care. Rescuers awoke at 2 am, drove to the egg farm, and legally liberated 310 hens. I wish you could have been with our team - you could better understand how horrific these farms really are. Beneath the rows of cages is 2.5 years worth of feces, piled almost 3 feet high. The stench is unbearable. It took nearly two hours from start to finish to free the hens from their cages, and then it was off to our Petaluma Rescue & Adoption Center for a short quarantine and health checks. This is the first time the newly built chicken barn at the Rescue & Adoption center has been used for rescued hens! The shelter is not fully up and running, so today the birds are coming up to our Grass Valley sanctuary for the remainder of their quarantine. Your help frees two hens from their cage and provides them with two weeks of care before they go to their forever homes. This farm is a conventional egg farm raising white leghorns for 1-2.5 years. The birds are all de-beaked, in which a portion of their nerve-rich beak is cut off. And, sadly, all of their brothers were ground up alive at the hatchery. You will not hear the clear call of a rooster at this farm. With your help, five hens are freed and cared for for the next two weeks. Right now, the hens will be on a quarantine, treated for parasites, and then rehomed with sanctuaries and private homes. And you can be their hen hero with a gift today toward their care.
Racoon Knödel at TIERART
Meet our fluffy raccoon Knödel, who is living at our sanctuary TIERART along with 32 other raccoons! Knödel arrived at the sanctuary in 2014, as an orphaned cub at only 8 weeks old. As he was raised by the team and fed with a bottle, Knödel very friendly and comfortable with the staff. Currently, construction is underway at TIERART for a new specialised station for young raccoons, this means even more raccoons like Knödel can be saved! These active little animals love to keep busy, and a few days ago we filmed when caretaker Hannah prepared some enrichment for him. As you can see for yourself, he couldn`t wait to discover what`s in it! He is one chubby and healthy raccoon who loves exploring for more
Volunteer with the Animal Rescue Team
One of the most commonly asked questions for our Animal Rescue Team is, “How can I volunteer?” Our team has—and relies on—a strong network of volunteers to help us make a real difference for animals in rescue and disaster relief work. We truly depend on them to help us get this important, lifesaving work done.
One of the most common mistakes prospective volunteers make is waiting until a natural or man-made disaster strikes to begin the application process and to begin proper training and preparation for becoming an Animal Rescue Team volunteer. Unfortunately, by then, it’s too late. If you want to volunteer, it’s important to apply before a disaster. If you get everything done early, you, like our many other volunteers, will be ready to deploy when animals need our help.
I can’t speak enough to the impact people feel from saving animals in need. If you want to make a difference, this is a way to do it. I encourage you to start your application today. With hurricane season on the horizon, our team will be ready to deploy at a moment’s notice - The Humane Society of the United States