Kaley Cuoco, Brad Goreski Can't Get Enough of These Vegan Leather Lewks
Celebrity stylist Brad Goreski shares his favorite fall fashion trends with some help from a friend—"Big Bang Theory" star and fellow animal advocate Kaley Cuoco. And by the way, all looks are 100% vegan and can easily be found online and in stores!
Kaley Cuoco, Brad Goreski Talk #AdoptDontShop and Bike Shorts in This BTS Interview
Stylist Brad Goreski Is Loving These Vegan Leather Accessories for Men This Fall
Film star and Entrepreneur Maggie Q Returns to Vietnam to visit our Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre. Maggie Q adopts and names a bear and pledges to help Animals Asia bring all of Vietnam’s bile bears to sanctuary by 2022.
Trophy Hunting in the UK.

Condemning the hunting of endangered animals as “morally indefensible,” the UK Government has announced it will set out new rules to protect animal welfare, claiming: “There is no place in this country for animal cruelty.”
The government has pledged to significantly strengthen wild animal protections by holding a consultation to prohibit the import and export of trophy hunting souvenirs gained from the vile slaughter of endangered animals.
The move could help save thousands of endangered species globally – including lions, tigers, elephants and rhinos – from being killed for “sport” by ruthless trophy hunters.
Animal rights advocate and recently appointed Minister for International Wildlife, Zac Goldsmith, announced the good news ahead of the Conservative Party Conference on 29 September.
“The fight against trophy hunting of endangered animals matters,” said Goldsmith. “It is clear that it is morally indefensible and that is why I am delighted that the Conservative Government will consult on a ban on the import of these trophies. By placing a higher value on animals alive rather than dead, we will begin to turn back the tide of extinction.”

The horrific result of a trophy hunt in Africa (Image Credit: Facebook)
Goldsmith’s appointment by Prime Minister Boris Johnson marked a significant step forward for animal rights in the UK. Johnson’s partner Carrie Symonds has long campaigned against trophy hunting, and Johnson himself recently tweeted: “We must end this barbaric practice.”
It is anticipated that the ban will be passed by parliament following the consultation and will come into effect as either primary or secondary legislation. The new rules will relate to animals listed on the Cites Appendix I and II lists, and on the I UCN list.
This is a very welcome move, especially considering that over the past ten years, 2,242 body parts taken from murdered animals – 15% of which were endangered – have been imported into the UK.
Other measures announced by the Government include looking at prohibiting the importation of exotic animal rugs and furs, a total ban on keeping primates as pets and ending all live exports for slaughter.
Sixteen gray wolves have been killed so far this hunting season in Wyoming. Countless more could be slaughtered by the end of the year.

Each death shatters a wolf family, breaks up a breeding pair or orphans a litter of pups.
In Wyoming just $21 buys a license to kill wolves.
Only 152 wolves remain there. The state will allow up to 34 of them to be gunned down this year in the trophy-hunting zone alone, in addition to unlimited killing year-round in the state's "predatory" zone.
What's taking place in Wyoming could become common throughout the country.
Idaho and Montana already have aggressive wolf-hunting seasons. Now Trump plans to strip gray wolves of their endangered species protection across the lower 48 states. That would lead to more attacks on these beautiful, loyal animals.
States beholden to special interests are eager to let wolves be hunted. They must be stopped so these magnificent creatures can reclaim their habitat and fully recover.
We went to court to save gray wolves.We're fighting for a national recovery plan that would restore wolves to places like the northeastern U.S. — instead of turning management over to states dead set on killing wolves.
Without protection they could be shot on sight, crushed in steel traps, strangled in snares and poisoned in their dens. The bonds that form within packs will be shattered.
Wolves need to be allowed to raise their pups free of the threat of traps or a trophy hunter's gun.
No one fights harder to save wolves than the Center. We know how to win in the courts and in the halls of power — but we can't do it without you.

A Newtown man injured by a black bear while hiking near Lake Zoar in Southbury two weeks ago said he was not attacked and that he plans to continue hiking in those woods, according to a report from an animal advocacy organization.
“...This was not an attack, but an incidental and isolated interaction — provoked by a mix of unlucky circumstances and my personal lack of knowledge about dealing with local wildlife in surprise close-quarters engagement,” the hiker said Monday morning.
The unidentified man, described as a 38-year-old from Newtown by officials, gave the statement on the incident through OneProtest, a nonprofit animal advocacy group.
He said Connecticut is the bear’s home as well as humans.
“I believe that with education and increased situational awareness, this kind of thing won’t occur again,” he added.
The organization did not release the man’s name, who said he would decline any other requests for an interview.
On Saturday, Sept. 8, the man was hiking near Lake Zoar in Southbury when he was knocked to the ground by a black bear, officials said at the time. He was able to get away, and was treated at Danbury Hospital and released.
A trap was set for the bear, and officials from the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection advised people to keep their distance from bears if they encounter them in the wild.
The hiker said he does not believe the bear that knocked him over, or other local bears are an “immediate or hazardous threat to the townsfolk,” and said people should not have a “knee-jerk reaction” to bears’ presence.
“I will continue hiking in the area without concern or fear for my well-being,” the hiker said, adding that he was opposed to “any narrative that promotes increased engagement or violence towards the animals living among our trails and preserves.”
Days after the bear incident in Southbury, two Republican state lawmakers renewed calls for the state to open a hunting season on black bears.
“We hope it doesn’t take a death for Connecticut to wise up and understand that a hunting season is the only way to get this population under control,” state senators Eric Berthel and Craig Miner said Oct. 1.
In their release with the hiker’s statement, the animal advocacy group said hunting black bears is not the answer, and included a link to a change.org petition to stop a bear hunt in the state of Connecticut.
As of late Monday morning, the online petition had gathered over 8,100 signatures.
State Sen. Christine Cohen, a Democrat and co-chair of the environmental committee, said she is still opposed to an open season on bears in the state, and described the Southbury incident as “unfortunate and unusual.”
It was not the only incident involving bears in close proximity to humans.
Last week, a man in Killingworth shot and killed a black bear after it broke his family’s animal enclosure twice, killing two goats.
A Newtown group that planned to hike through the Kettletown State Park near Lake Zoar this past weekend said they relocated their hike to a trail in Monroe after the bear incident in September.
The hiker injured two weeks ago extended his thanks to the first responders and medical personnel who assisted him, as well as the state’s environmental protection agency.
He said Connecticut is the bear’s home as well as humans.
“I believe that with education and increased situational awareness, this kind of thing won’t occur again,” he added.
We’re suing milk company Fairlife because life for the cows on their farms is anything but fair.
Earlier this year, the nonprofit Animal Recovery Mission (ARM) conducted an undercover investigation at Fair Oaks Farm — one of the largest dairies in the country and a supplier of milk to Fairlife. What they found was shocking.
Footage revealed workers kicking baby cows in the head, stabbing and beating them with steel rebars, and burning them in the face with hot branding irons. This horrible treatment is a far cry from the happy and healthy lives that Fairlife advertises for its cows.

We will be representing consumers in a lawsuit against Fairlife for consumer deception and false advertising, and right now your support will make twice the impact in this case and others for animals. Make a gift before October 11 and every dollar you donate will be matched up to $50,000 to help support our lifesaving legal work on behalf of animals!
Fair Oaks advertises itself as a different kind of dairy farm — a place where cows and calves are treated humanely. Visitors to the facility are shown a carefully curated section that suggests an idyllic life for the animals at Fair Oaks. But the undercover video proves that this image is nothing more than an illusion.
The reality is one of violence, cruelty, and suffering. ARM called the way workers treated calves at Fair Oaks “by far the worst baby abuse that we’ve ever seen.”
48 states allow abusive puppy mills
Filthy cages, extreme temperatures, maggot-infested food, dirty water, emaciated dogs, and animals covered in feces. Step into a puppy mill and that's the heartbreaking sight you'll see, according to reports from animal advocates.
"Puppy mills" or "pet mills" refer to commercial breeders that force animals to continuously produce more and more young to feed the pet trade. Unfortunately, many of the animals end up in overcrowded shelters where they are euthanized.
Despite the horrific conditions in pet mills across the country, only two states — California and Maryland — have banned pet stores from selling puppies and kittens from commercial breeders. That means 48 states still allow these horrible places to exist.
Puppies and kittens don't deserve this inhumane treatment. We need to take a stand and end this despicable practice now.
The list of states who allow this abhorrent practice is too long. Sign now to demand that every state bans puppy mills for good!
Soring is hell for horses

Imagine someone burning your ankles with caustic chemicals and jamming sharp objects in the soles of your shoes, then forcing you to perform in a ring show. It would be horrific—but this is a reality for horses who are “sored.” With chemicals, chains, heavily weighted platform horseshoes, sharp objects and electric shock, horses are conditioned via this pain to fling their front legs high in an exaggerated gait known as the “Big Lick.” There’s a lot of disagreement in Congress these days, but one thing we can all agree on is that animal cruelty is wrong.
We’re asking you to take action now because our efforts to end horse soring are gaining traction and getting more support in Congress than ever before. We need your help to get the Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act across the finish line in the U.S. Senate.
Will you reach out to your senators today to urge them to cosponsor the Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act, S.1007 and do all they can to enact it quickly?
The suffering of these horses is unimaginable. The pain they experience is immeasurable. But trainers shock them and use other methods to ensure that, despite the immense pain, the horses don’t flinch or show signs of abuse during inspection. No ribbon or award justifies this level of cruelty. The PAST Act has come so far because of your support. Can we count on you again to help get this bill through the Senate?
Trapping Is Cruel and Dangerous!
Each year, millions of animals are caught in traps, killed in the name of “nuisance” wildlife control or for their fur. Animals caught in traps die slowly – by drowning, predation, exposure, shock, injury, or blood loss – sometimes after languishing for days.
Myths about trapping abound. Trapping apologists frequently claim that trapping is humane, tightly regulated, selective, and necessary. But, in truth, trapping is a cruel practice that causes great suffering. And, trapping is everywhere – public, private, and even protected lands and recreational areas are not immune. As a result, targeted and non-targeted animals (like household pets and endangered species), and even humans, can fall victim to these traps.
Enough is enough! It's time to tell trappers to "Shut Your Traps!"
This October, Born Free USA is doing just that with our new, limited-edition #ShutYourTraps t-shirt bearing the bold, compassionate message: "You're either against trapping or you're wrong!" Purchase yours today to support our work against this cruel practice and send the message that you are 100% against trapping!

The 27th Annual Animal Law Conference Representing Animals: Elevating Animal Status on October 25-27, 2019 in Portland, Oregon.
Are you ready to vote for animals!
Along with a coalition of hundreds of organizations across the country, we're urging our members to update their voter registrations and to make sure that they have met the qualifications to vote in their communities.
In order to continue to give a voice for animals in the halls of Congress and state houses across the country, we have to ensure we elect humane minded candidates—and you can't do that if you're not registered to vote. So update your voter registration today, ask your friends and family to do the same, and Get Political for Animals!
Become a Partner in Protection
Our Partners in Protection Program makes it easy to help animals throughout the year.
Inspire Your Animal Activism this October with Online Events!
We've got lots in store for you and your vegan activism this October. Join in two online summits to heal the planet, as well as explore new strategies to revolutionize our agriculture system, and meet motivational guru Justice King. READ MORE
Take Action, Responsibility & Wildlife...
"Corporations Are People Too My Friends."
Our companies are known for creating products that enhance people's lives. Through Sunset Corporation of America and its companies, we’re equally dedicated to improving lives. Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.
The Sustainable Action Network (SAN), A Don Lichterman non-profit organization dedicated to building a global community raising awareness of corruption, injustice and the need for action across a full range of issues impacting people and animal/wildlife welfare around the world, such as conservation, climate change, campaign law, lobbying, government action and rescue work. SAN’s vision is to create safer world, free from political, environmental, and social oppression, where all the inhabitants of Earth can live in harmony within their own natural environments. Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.
Activism and Sustainability:
Gun Safety & Gun Laws
Cruelty Free
Death Penalty
Demand Action
Sustainable Action Network
Fairness and Equality:
Voters Issues & Gerrymandering
Private Prisons & the War on Drugs
Finance, Housing & the Economy Corporate Responsibility:
Candidates, Bills, Laws & Protections
Wildlife & Oceania
Labeling & Transparency
Comprehensive Captivity & Hunting Results Databases