While it’s true that the Environmental Protection Agency committed to ending all mammal testing by 2035, we refuse to sit by silently for 15 years while millions of animals are subjected to chemical testing and killed. Our leaders can—and must—move up that deadline. And with new leadership taking office in January, we need to get ready to turn up the heat both at the EPA and other agencies that regulate animal testing.
PETA has obtained video evidence documenting the misery of animals used in forced swim test experiments in University of Bath laboratories. The university continues to use the unethical and worthless test, despite learning from PETA that it has no scientific value. Take Action
Don't Let Cosmetics Tests on Animals Sneak in Through the Back Door
The use of animals for cosmetics testing is banned across the EU. Yet animals are still being poisoned and killed in tests for cosmetics ingredients.
Back in 2013, people all over Europe celebrated when the ban on animal testing for cosmetics came into full force in the EU. But under the guise of the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation, authorities are still demanding that cosmetics ingredients be tested on animals under certain circumstances.
This is a blatant violation of both REACH and the EU Cosmetics Regulation.
An EU court ruled that only humane, non-animal methods can be used to satisfy safety-assessment requirements for cosmetics ingredients, reasoning that the purpose of testing is irrelevant in deciding when the ban on sales of animal-tested cosmetics ingredients is triggered. Yet animals continue to suffer and die in such tests.
The EU Cosmetics Regulation ban must be upheld – cosmetics ingredients should not be tested on animals under any circumstances.

His designation was number 1016—but they called him Harvey.
This sweet and friendly beagle was one of hundreds of dogs who spent their days inside a stainless-steel cage at a laboratory and the only time he left his cage was for cruel and painful testing.
One day, Harvey was let out of his cage for a few minutes to run around on the floor—those brief moments of freedom were “the best life he knew.”
And then they killed him, disposing of him like nothing more than trash.
Harvey is far from the only one. According to the most recent reports, nearly 60,000 dogs are used in testing and research in the United States each year, with an estimated 6,500 more reported as being held in laboratories but not yet used. And with nonanimal methods generating data that is more relevant to human biology, we have better science to make these regulatory decisions—and prevent the use of dogs in these horrid tests.
Thanks to pressure from HSLF and other animal-welfare groups, the Environmental Protection Agency has committed to ending all mammal testing by 2035. In addition, a bill has been introduced in Congress, the Alternatives to Animals for Regulatory Fairness Act of 2020, which will allow drug companies to bypass the Food and Drug Administration’s cruel and pointless dog testing mandate.
Although these are steps in the right direction, the fight is far from over. We can’t just sit and wait another 15 years—an entire generation of dogs—as millions of animals are sentenced to the same fate as Harvey.
If our leaders don’t move up their deadline to end these horrifying practices, they will condemn even more animals to a lifetime of suffering. But we intend to use all of our strength with the new administration and the new Congress so we can spare these animals—but we need you in the fight.
My name Is Hazel.
Thank you for your willingness to bring a special needs animal into your home! You got me out of that horrible laboratory. You got me to freedom. You didn’t ask any questions when I needed help. The lab induced seizures in me but you saved me.
I almost died and had a tumor removed just two days ago.I am fighting hard to go back home and live as long as I can with the love I never had. Thank you for giving me this chance.
Rabbits need you in their corner

Have you ever had a nightmare in which you're being chased—in which fear floods through you as you run and struggle to get free but you know there's no escape?
Humans can wake up from a bad dream, but for many rabbits, the terror never ends. And they're right to be afraid—because their gentle nature is exploited by humans who experiment on them, eat them, dismember or skin them, hunt them, abuse them for entertainment, or subject them to other forms of hideous cruelty.
PETA is paving the way for rabbits to be treated with the compassion and respect that everyone deserves. Please help us spare more animals in 2021.
From a gentle purr to raised ears, there are many ways to spot a content rabbit. Just like us, they're social animals—you may have seen them taking in the morning sunshine and nibbling the grass. Yet these simple freedoms are denied to rabbits who are bloodied and poisoned in invasive experiments … neglected as "pets" or treated like props in traveling exhibits … confined and violently killed for their flesh … or even strung up and ripped apart or decapitated for the fur on their backs.
We know how to help rabbits. Now, we need you beside us to have an even greater impact as we work to persuade regulators to embrace non-animal research methods, halt plans for cruel farms where animals are warehoused in filth, stop the buying and selling of fur, and more. Please help out today to help create a kinder world for rabbits and all other animals.
What You Can Do
Please speak out for animals used in cosmetics testing by sending a message to the European Commission and the European Chemicals Agency asking them never to allow cosmetics ingredients to be tested on animals. You can also search for cruelty-free companies here.
"Corporations are people, my friend."
Our companies are known for creating products that enhance people's lives. Through Sunset Corporation of America and its companies, we’re equally dedicated to improving lives. Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.
The Sustainable Action Network (SAN) is a leading global non-profit organization (a Don Lichterman non-profit organization) dedicated to building a global community....
Whales & A Whale of a Week!