The SAN Rescue Network, Wildlife Aid TV, Official PETA TV, Flying Fur Animal Rescue, Animals Asia, ASPCA, Hope For PAWS, Beagle Freedom Project...
Gladys, the guide dog
Meet Gladys, a six-month-old puppy who will become a guide dog for the blind in South Africa. She needs your URGENT HELP if she is to fulfill her destiny. While most of us see dogs as loving and faithful companions, some dogs go one step further and save lives. Gladys is one of those extra-special dogs. The challenge is that because of the economic meltdown in South Africa caused by the corona crisis, the South African Guide-Dogs Association is desperately short of funds. Corona has had a severe effect on donations because people are suddenly poorer. Gladys needs medical treatment that is straining the ability of the Guide-Dogs Association to pay. If we can raise $6,000 (£4,600), not only can we pay for the physiotherapy Gladys needs, we can pay for the completion of her two-year-long training so she can give a blind person a new life as quickly as possible.

The challenge is that because of the economic meltdown in South Africa caused by the corona crisis, the South African Guide-Dogs Association is desperately short of funds. Corona has had a severe effect on donations because people are suddenly poorer. Gladys needs medical treatment that is straining the ability of the Guide-Dogs Association to pay.
Not every dog is suitable to take on the task of helping a blind person and so the South African Guide-Dogs Association for the Blind has a responsible breeding program, using sperm from US guide-dog organizations.

Glady’s was born in the program and underwent extensive medical exams. During a check-up, it was discovered that Gladys has a potential problem with an elbow joint. If treated immediately, it can be fixed - if not, Gladys will never become someone’s life-changing companion. The vet bill for this care is astronomical and Gladys will still need extensive physiotherapy to ensure that she makes a full recovery.

Orangutan Kartini
Orangutan Kartini arrived at the forest school as an afraid and fragile orphan. But today she is one of the most independent orangutans at our ORANGUTAN FOREST SCHOOL in Borneo
His homeless owner disappeared one day and he didn't trust anyone!!!
Garfield spent his days at the park, alone and confused because he didn't know where did his owner disappear. Luckily, we got a call on the #HopeForPaws emergency line. Loreta Frankonyte and I headed out, and after a long search for him, one of the construction workers who have been feeding him pointed me in his direction. At the point I was alone, so I waited for Loreta to meet up with me. The plan was for her to close the gate in the far end of that dead-end street, and I would cover the width of the street with my snappy snare.
Staff at our Vietnam bear sanctuary perform first ‘in-house’ root canal surgery on Rae!
Following training from dental specialist Dr Cedric Tutt, Senior Vet Surgeon Shaun Thomson performed the first 'in-house' root canal surgery at the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre. Bear Rae’s tooth has been filled and now she is loving life (and lunch) again!
Mom protects babies with her body after one was stolen!!!
Just when you will think this rescue is over, you will find out that it's NOT! Mama Jade knew something was wrong, but she didn't know how to tell me that someone stole one of her babies!!! This one will require watching until the end. Life is so hard for homeless animals, and when puppies are added to the equation, it's just a nightmare! This story could have ended terribly in so many ways, but because Stephanie Brooks (who was visiting from New Jersey) knew to call Hope For Paws, this story has an incredible ending.
Desperate kitten screaming for his family to save his life!
Sadly, his family was nowhere to be found, so Hope For Paws got the call for help! We love doing this work and we don't care how late or how early it is... we just need your support with covering their medical needs, and together we can change the world of so many animals! Oscar, Jacky, Ramon - Thank you so much for joining me on this rescue! It is always cool to meet people who care and love animals. Oscar and Jacky own a Taco Truck called "Tacos De Birria De Res" so if you drive in Los Angeles and see them, make sure to stop and get some tacos! If you can't find them, text them: 213-884-6666 Ramon Livingston is a lawyer and he helps (and fosters) many cats! Our friends at Kitty Bungalow are now fostering Taco, so if you would like to adopt him, please contact them directly:
Seven recently rescued bears
Happy #MoonBearMonday. What better way to celebrate the beginning of a new week than an update on seven recently rescued bears who are integrating into their new bear houses? Clara tells us all about how Florence, Valerie, Tuan, James, Alice and Bân are settling in.
Cantik and friends
Orangutan Cantik is one of the smartest orangutans at our ORANGUTAN FOREST SCHOOL in Borneo and she has become a good teacher for the other orphans!
Rescue of a senior dog by the freeway could have gone horribly wrong!
Max could have ran in any direction he wanted, but he knew that the chance of dying that day was real!
I am so grateful to Danhy Drago for texting me about this rescue, for finding the exact location (it wasn't simple), and for joining me on this mission. It was cute to see a text reading "If anyone can rescue this dog, that's you"
Leo and Melanka
Leo and Melanka still need your help! We’ve been fighting for months to relocate the two President bears, as soon as the coronavirus measures allow it and we would get the official green light. Now we really have reason to hope to rescue them very soon! At BEAR SANCTUARY Domazhyr, Leo, as well as Melanka, will receive the care and support they so desperately deserve. To achieve this, we continue to need your support. Together we can make a difference and give Leo and Melanka a new, prosperous life
Donkey Puica and ram Nhan
As you might remember Puica the donkey and Nhan the ram, were both rescued from different situations: Beautiful donkey Puica was found abandoned in a field about 60 km from Bucharest. She was unable to stand, lying alone on the ground and left in pain. Fortunately, our local partner ARCA was able to rescue her just in time.
Last year a cargo ship transporting 14,000 sheep, including Nhan, capsized. Luckily we managed to save 180 incredibly lucky sheep, together with ARCA, from the wreckage. Both rescued animals had to undergo surgery.
Now they are recovering in each other's company. As you can see, they are enjoying their new natural and safe environment and are looking better day by day! We are so happy for them.
HART Wildlife Rescue
A snapshot of who we are at HART Wildlife Rescue. Hampshire's wildlife rescue centre.
Hope For Paws Rescue Rocky Who Lost the Will to Live
Hope For Paws Rescue Rocky Who Lost the Will to Live! This is a #HopeForPaws#StrayPaws#DogRescue Marathon featuring Viktor Larkhill Extreme Rescue - its a fund raiser supporting Let's Adopt International. This fund raiser is made possible by the volunteers of the World Animal Rescue Network and WA2S Films and is a cooperative partnership between Let's Adopt International and the World Animal Awareness Society Please, consider using the donate button to the right and below the video to support the important life saving work of Viktor Larkhill Extreme Rescue. To learn more about Viktor Larkhill Extreme Rescue & Let's Adopt International:
South Bay Wildlife Rehab - Young bird of prey crashes into a window and then goes down to the ground!
This is our first Bird Of Prey rescue video and I am so happy I got to be there for the rescue, visit her during the rehabilitation, and all the way to the releasing back to the wild! The American kestrel is the smallest and most common falcon in North America and I actually never got to meet one until that day - I didn't even know what she was, but our friends on Instagram knew to help me out with that: I am so happy that one of our supporters sent us the special gloves for handling birds of prey... it's like they knew I would need those one day :-) To join our team with a small donation, please visit our website: Special thanks to South Bay Wildlife Rehab for fostering this baby, for training her on how to survive in the wild, and for inviting me to visit every step of the way. To learn more about their work, please visit
The call for help arrived after the runt passed away
We are posting more frequently on the #HopeForPaws channel, so please make sure to subscribe and don't forget to press the notification bell
The rescue technique by our JoAnn Wiltz worked beautifully!
To adopt Nefertiti or one of her babies, please contact our friends at:
Thank you so much for helping us save so many more lives! If you can, please join us with a small donation here:
Go deeper with our vets and see inside rescued moon bear Isabella.
See a rescued moon bear as you never have before, from the inside! Isabella visited our bear hospital where our vet team investigated a blockage. Read about the state of the art treatment she received thanks to you and our amazing team. Full story:
Capone Will Never Spend Another Minute Trapped in a Filthy Cage
Capone spent his days either imprisoned in a tiny wire cage or tethered to a filth-covered porch. Until finally, his owners gave him to PETA. Watching him “dance” and enjoy life will make your heart sing!
Lion Rescued From Jeff Lowe Can Barely Walk
Juvenile lion, Nala, whom PETA rescued on September 21, 2020, from Jeff Lowe, operator of the now-defunct Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park, is so lame she can barely walk. Visit for more information.
An easy rescue turns to be an emergency rescue - the end is not what you would expect.
We were not ready for a rescue that day... we were on our way home when one call after another to the #HopeForPaws line changed the whole evening. I am glad Loreta Frankonyte and I happened to be in the area so we could respond as quickly and rush from one location to another. We had to pay a lot of money to the emergency hospital for Catalina's surgery and we have so many cases like this every week. If you can, please take 2 minutes to set up a $5 monthly donation. If many of you will participate, the Hope For Paws team will be able to keep going at full speed and help prevent pain and suffering: As a thank you for your support, we have a gift for you that is worth quite a lot of money and will give you peace of mind. Please click here to read all about it: To apply to adopt Sparkles, please visit our friends at: Thank you so much for your support!
Volunteer with the Animal Rescue Team
One of the most commonly asked questions for our Animal Rescue Team is, “How can I volunteer?” Our team has—and relies on—a strong network of volunteers to help us make a real difference for animals in rescue and disaster relief work. We truly depend on them to help us get this important, lifesaving work done.
One of the most common mistakes prospective volunteers make is waiting until a natural or man-made disaster strikes to begin the application process and to begin proper training and preparation for becoming an Animal Rescue Team volunteer. Unfortunately, by then, it’s too late. If you want to volunteer, it’s important to apply before a disaster. If you get everything done early, you, like our many other volunteers, will be ready to deploy when animals need our help.
I can’t speak enough to the impact people feel from saving animals in need. If you want to make a difference, this is a way to do it. I encourage you to start your application today. With hurricane season on the horizon, our team will be ready to deploy at a moment’s notice - The Humane Society of the United States