How to make an origami dolphin

As the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing our world into new ways of life, your help is urgently needed now, more than ever.
As most of you are aware, last year, Dolphin Project, in partnership with the Central Jakarta Forestry Department, established the world’s only permanent dolphin retirement sanctuary for formerly captive dolphins.
Rambo as confiscated from a small, barren tank at the Melka Hotel, where day after day, he performed for paying tourists. Since arriving to the sanctuary, he has been rehabilitating under our watchful team.
Rocky was also forced to endure endless performances for paying tourists before being confiscated from the Melka Hotel. Since arriving to the sanctuary, he too continues to rehabilitate and will never be used for “entertainment” again.
Johnny is an older dolphin who for several years, lived in isolation inside a shallow swimming pool before being confiscated from the Melka Hotel. Since arriving to the sanctuary, he has been healing and benefiting from a proper retirement.
At present, three dolphins, Rocky, Rambo and Johnny are quarantined at the sanctuary, dependent 24/7 on our team of caregivers and medical staff who are also quarantined alongside them. Our team and facility are also ready to respond to any other dolphin rescues/confiscations that may arise during this pandemic.
But without your help, we will face hardship at the Bali Dolphin Sanctuary, Bali, Indonesia
As the first permanent dolphin sanctuary in the world, the Bali Dolphin Sanctuary must be a model of success. We cannot lay off employees as they form a full-time staff in a remote part of Bali, responsible for the care and well-being of the dolphins residing here.
While we recognize that collectively, there will be many other priorities that will demand our attention during this time of uncertainty, Dolphin Project is obligated to take care of our responsibilities.
By making a gift of regular support, you’ll ensure we can provide the quality care needed for the health and welfare of the rescued dolphins in our stewardship. It’s fast, simple and offers immediate benefits for the dolphins.
For 50 years, Dolphin Project has prided ourselves on the strength of our supporters. Today, more than ever, I’m asking that we mobilize our forces and come together on behalf of the dolphins.
The "wicked web" does not discriminate. When fishermen all over the world flick their gillnets over the side of their boats, the knotted rope descends into the oceans — hopefully to catch fish. Unfortunately, the nets also tangle up hundreds of thousands of dolphins, sharks, whales and more.
To the workers, these creatures are just "bycatch." But to the animals, this process means death. Sign the petition to demand a complete ban on using gillnets in the Indian Ocean!
In the past 70 years, 4 million cetaceans have died in Indian Ocean fisheries. In one year alone — 2016 — as many as 100,000 dolphins, whales, and porpoises were killed by commercial fishing. That number dropped to 80,000 this year, but that decline doesn't have conservationists celebrating. Instead, they believe the reduction in deaths is simply because the total number of dolphins in the Indian Ocean has dropped precipitously.
Gillnet fishing is virtually unmanaged in the Indian Ocean, and it's where some of the biggest commercial fishing operations in the world commit their worst dolphin-killing offenses. One study estimates that for every 1,000 tons of tuna caught, around 175 cetaceans are snagged — and therefore die.
Leaders in the area of the Indian Ocean must step up their efforts to protect dolphins and other cetaceans. Please join Miranda B. & Care2 in asking the nations of Iran, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan and the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission to ban gillnetting in the Indian Ocean before more animals' lives are lost!
Today our lawyers received a verdict in the High Court legal action to end the Taiji dolphin hunts. We submitted expert testimonies, eye-witness reports, and compelling photographic evidence to prove the hunts that capture and slaughter so many innocent dolphins every year are cruel and unsustainable.
Unfortunately, the High Court sided with the dolphin hunters today. They decided not to judge the case on the merits of evidence, and ruled individuals cannot challenge the legality of the hunts. We have a team of lawyers working on a back up plan right now. They are looking into new ways to end the hunts, and have several promising leads already.
Can you help support this vital work, and keep the fight alive? Please click here:Please click here to keep the battle for Taiji dolphins going - rapped and terrified – Taiji dolphins endure extreme acts of cruelty before the slaughter At times like this it is easy to give up. But there’s too much at stake to throw in the towel now. The death tally for this season’s dolphin hunts was 560.
That’s 560 beautiful dolphins who were chased to the point of exhaustion, separated from their family, dragged backwards by their tail flukes, and stabbed to death with metal rods.
Not to mention the 180 dolphins taken for captivity. Or the many baby dolphins who were tossed back out to sea to die after their mothers were stolen from the wild for sale to greedy aquariums.
If we do nothing, the same thing will happen next year. And the year after that.
Can you take action now, and help give Taiji dolphins a fighting chance in the future?Please click here to help end the Taiji dolphin huntsDolphins are dragged backwards by their tails – a process so violent many of them drown.Please click here to keep fighting for dolphins Thank you so much for making this world first legal action possible, Don. It was always a bold and risky move, and we gave it our best shot.
This time the judges got it wrong, but it’s not going to deter us from trying again.
We owe it to the dolphins to keep going – and keep trying until we win.
Each year from approximately September 1 to March 1, a large-scale hunt of dolphins takes place in the small village of Taiji, Japan, as made famous by the 2010 Academy Award-winning documentary “The Cove.”
Adopt a Dolphin update March 2020
"Corporations Are People My Friends."
Our companies are known for creating products that enhance people's lives. Through Sunset Corporation of America and its companies, we’re equally dedicated to improving lives. Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.
The Sustainable Action Network (SAN), A Don Lichterman non-profit organization dedicated to building a global community raising awareness of corruption, injustice and the need for action across a full range of issues impacting people and animal/wildlife welfare around the world, such as conservation, climate change, campaign law, lobbying, government action and rescue work. SAN’s vision is to create safer world, free from political, environmental, and social oppression, where all the inhabitants of Earth can live in harmony within their own natural environments. Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.
Activism and Sustainability:
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Death Penalty
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Sustainable Action Network
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Finance, Housing & the Economy Corporate Responsibility:
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Comprehensive Captivity & Hunting Results Databases