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Get in the fight now to Flip control of the U.S. Senate with the Sustainable Action Network (SAN)!

Writer's picture: Don LichtermanDon Lichterman

Shifting dynamics in the states of these right-wing Republicans have made their races more competitive. These stalwart Trump allies join our other top Republican targets: Susan Collins, Martha McSally, Cory Gardner, Joni Ernst, and Thom Tillis and they are just as deserving of getting voted out of office as our original top-tier targets.

If you've already given to PFAW's Take Back the Senate Fund, THANK YOU -- we wouldn't be asking again if it wasn't so important. And you know as well as anyone just how important it is that we flip the Senate...

Mitch McConnell's Republican Senate Majority has:

  • STOLEN a seat on the US Supreme Court for Donald Trump (remember Merrick Garland??)

  • JAM-PACKED our courts with extreme, biased, and unqualified Trump judicial nominees...

  • BLOCKED vital reforms to protect our elections and reduce government corruption...

  • OBSTRUCTED efforts to get to the truth about Russian election interference and hold Trump's team accountable for a growing list of lawless and corrupt acts...

A bit about our new targets:

GEORGIA: Both of Georgia's Republican U.S. Senators are up for election this year. David Perdue has been a loyal Trump enabler and Kelly Loeffler, who was appointed to the seat following the previous incumbent's retirement, recently came under fire for shady stock sales which look like possible profiteering off of inside information she had about the coronavirus pandemic based on her position as senator.

MONTANA: Far-right Sen. Steve Daines has been an enthusiastic foot soldier in Trump and McConnell's assault on our federal courts and has been part of the Republican cover-up of Trump's misdeeds at every turn. The recent entry of popular Democratic Governor Steve Bullock in the Senate race has made this deep-red state race competitive!

Other top targets:

MAINE: Phony ‘moderate’ Susan Collins has built her political career claiming to be pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ equality, and pro-environment – she even now claims to be pro-health care – but she has provided what many consider to be decisive votes on dozens of unfit and extreme right-wing Trump judicial nominees (including Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh!).

All the abortion bans being passed in states across the country meant to provide the Far Right with their chance to overturn Roe v. Wade stem from the confirmations of Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh – and Collins’s difference-making support for those Trump nominees.

ARIZONA: Trump Republican Martha McSally -- who has been a consistent rubber stamp on Trump's awful judicial nominees – actually LOST her last bid for an Arizona U.S. Senate seat, but was appointed by the Republican governor to fill the seat left vacant by the death of John McCain.

McSally is now trailing Democrat Mark Kelly -- the former astronaut, husband of former-Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, and presumptive Democratic nominee for this seat -- in the polls!

COLORADO: Cory Gardner is considered by many to be the most vulnerable Republican up for reelection in 2020. He is trying to run as a moderate, but his staunch support for Trump’s policies, nominees, and corrupt efforts to undermine our democracy make his seat ripe for the taking – especially considering that Gardner only won his last election by fewer than 40,000 votes (just 2 percent).

IOWA: Trump Republican Joni Ernst, who ran for Senate as an extreme right-wing darling of the Tea Party, has supported Trump’s agenda of hate and division at every turn – despite being from a state that went for President Obama twice.

While Iowa’s support for Trump in 2016 and Ernst’s incumbency give her a natural advantage heading into the election, Democrats flipped two GOP-held congressional seats in Iowa in the midterms and Trump's approval ratings have tanked as his trade policies have put a pinch on farmers in the state.

NORTH CAROLINA: Thom Tillis is the Koch brothers' favorite senator. Along with other right-wing corporate Big Money powerhouses, they've invested heavily in Tillis since he was a state lawmaker. In the U.S. Senate, Tillis has joined his fellow Republican senators in marching in lockstep to advance the extreme Trump-McConnell agenda on the federal judiciary and in every other area. President Obama carried North Carolina in 2008 and the state is showing some positive trends for Democrats.

IMPORTANT: We’re also looking at potential Senate pickups in Georgia, Alaska, Montana, and KENTUCKY -- yes, that's right! Kentucky -- where Mitch McConnell's own race for re-election is shaping up to be competitive … and even though it's a longshot, Lindsey Graham is also up for reelection in South Carolina and there’s no reason we shouldn’t try to make his life difficult (and be in position to defeat him should the winds blow hard enough in the right direction).

We’ll be mobilizing the progressive vote in these states in so many ways, including new and innovative, data-driven, targeted approaches to reaching the key voters needed to win these elections.

We’re running ads, mailers, and more to reach Latino voters. We’re working to turn out young voters. And we’ll work to build an army of progressive volunteers to be the largest grassroots movement of active volunteers in any election in history.

But every voter conversation and communication costs money – whether they are happening through door-knocking, phone calls, text messages, letters and post cards, paid ads, or social media.

We’re excited to announce that we just endorsed another gun safety candidate running for U.S. Senate: Jaime Harrison in South Carolina!

Jaime Harrison’s commitment to commonsense gun safety is personal. He lost his friend Clem and 8 others when a white supremacist attacked Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston in 2015.

Jaime is up against Lindsey Graham who has spent years in the pocket of the NRA enacting their dangerous legislative agenda.

Lindsey Graham is one of the NRA’s biggest allies, and Jaime is running to flip his seat and send a clear message: it’s time for the Senate to step up and pass laws that will save lives.

2020 is the year that we can elect a gun safety majority in the Senate — we only need to flip three or four seats to do it. We’re doing our part to elect these candidates, but your support would go a long way.

This endorsement is crucial. The current Senate majority is doing everything within its power to prevent common sense gun legislation from becoming law.

Jaime has a tough road ahead. Lindsey Graham has the backing of powerful special interest groups and the gun lobby. We need Jaime in the Senate to stand with us in the fight against gun violence.

With your support, we can help Jaime flip this South Carolina Senate seat and be a champion in the fight against gun violence.

The following sponsored message from Jaime Harrison for U.S. Senate

Lindsey Graham broke his oath to be an impartial juror in Trump’s impeachment trial. He’s shown the world why he’s not fit to represent us in the U.S. Senate. So I need your help: Will you add your name to join my U.S. Senate campaign to DEFEAT Lindsey Graham?

My grandparents taught me that character counts. So when I make a promise or take an oath, I make sure that I keep it. But Lindsey Graham? He’s happy to break his oaths and abandon our best interests if it will keep the far-right happy. Unfortunately, Lindsey is already using impeachment to raise millions of dollars from his right-wing base. I know it’ll be tough, but with a lot of hard work and a little bit of hope, we can still win this Senate seat for the people of South Carolina. But I need everyone reading this to do their part.

We’re excited to announce that we just endorsed another gun safety candidate running for U.S. Senate: Lt. Colonel Amy McGrath in Kentucky!

Amy McGrath is a veteran and public servant who has spent her life protecting Americans. She’s running against Mitch McConnell — the NRA’s #1 ally in the Senate.

Mitch McConnell is responsible for blocking the bipartisan background check bill in the Senate. Amy is running to flip his seat and send a new, clear message: it’s time for the Senate to step up and pass laws that will save lives.

2020 is the year that we can elect a gun safety majority in the Senate — we only need to flip three or four seats to do it. We’re doing our part to get these candidates elected, but your support would go a long way.

This endorsement is crucial. Mitch McConnell will stop at nothing to prevent commonsense gun legislation from becoming law.

Amy has a tough road ahead. Mitch McConnell has the backing of powerful special interest groups and the gun lobby, but we know that more Americans will be safer if Amy McGrath wins this race.

With your help, we can help Amy win and send Mitch McConnell packing.

Amy McGrath: Thanks so much for joining the team that’s going to help me replace Mitch McConnell in the United States Senate.

Mitch McConnell has been Kentucky’s senator since I was 9 years old. During his more than three decades in office, he’s been an unabashed career politician—putting D.C. lobbyists, special-interest allies, and his own political career ahead of our country, our Constitution, and the needs of Kentuckians.

And along the way, he’s turned Washington into something we all despise.

I took a different path. I graduated from the Naval Academy, learned to fly fighter jets, and began a 20-year career in the Marine Corps, attaining the rank of Lt. Colonel. I deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, where I flew 89 combat missions and became the first woman in the Marine Corps to fly in an F/A-18 in combat. After retiring from the Marines, I’m ready to serve our country again.

If elected, I plan to bring back some basic values I learned as a Marine and a mom: Put people first. Accomplish the mission. Always put our country’s interests over politics, no matter what.

Our leaders need to learn to work together again. That’s what we do at our own kitchen table—my husband, Erik, a 20-year U.S. Navy veteran, is a lifelong Republican. The oaths we took were to our Constitution—not a political party.

As Kentucky’s next U.S. senator, I plan to be a leader who is ready to work with anyone to solve our problems, and ready to stand up to anyone who gets in the way—no matter their party.

Here’s the thing: we all know this is going to be a hard race. Mitch McConnell has over $7 million in the bank—and that doesn’t count the special interests ready to spend big to keep their guy in power. It took them 37 minutes to launch their first personal attack against me. And I know it’s only going to get worse.

I’m not afraid of Mitch McConnell and his deep-pocketed friends because we have proven that grassroots campaigns work. With you on my side, I know we can win this.

Defeat Mitch. Defend democracy.

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Our companies are known for creating products that enhance people's lives.  Through Sunset Corporation of America and its companies, we’re equally dedicated to improving lives.  Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.

The Sustainable Action Network (SAN), A Don Lichterman non-profit organization dedicated to building a global community raising awareness of corruption, injustice and the need for action across a full range of issues impacting people and animal/wildlife welfare around the world, such as conservation, climate change, campaign law, lobbying, government action and rescue work. SAN’s vision is to create safer world, free from political, environmental, and social oppression, where all the inhabitants of Earth can live in harmony within their own natural environments. Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.

Activism and Sustainability:

  • Gun Safety & Gun Laws

  • Cruelty Free

  • Death Penalty

  • Demand Action

  • Sustainable Action Network

Fairness and Equality:

  • Grammy District Advocacy

  • Privatization

  • Voters Issues & Gerrymandering

  • Private Prisons & the War on Drugs

  • Finance, Housing & the Economy Corporate Responsibility:

  • Candidates, Bills, Laws & Protections

  • Wildlife & Oceania

  • Labeling & Transparency

  • Comprehensive Captivity & Hunting Results Databases


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