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Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS), Celebs Rally to Cut Out Dissection & Beagle Teasers!

Writer's picture: Don LichtermanDon Lichterman
Busy Beagle Brain Teasers & the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS)

GFAS is an accreditation program that was formed to establish guidelines for animal sanctuaries to help ensure that the animals at these facilities receive the best care possible. Oftentimes, GFAS is called on when sanctuaries are in crisis or facing unfamiliar circumstances, such as the coronavirus pandemic. During this difficult time, GFAS is rallying support for sanctuaries, and so is AAVS!

Please visit GFAS on social media to learn more and to make a donation directly to a favorite sanctuary, purchase specific items from sanctuary wish-lists, and/or sharing this info with your friends and family. Every little effort helps! READ MORE »

Dogs at Wayne State May Languish in Cages

Animals in labs suffer every day, but the COVID-19 pandemic is causing them new, unexpected cruelties. Wayne State University in Detroit announced recently that it was sending most staff and faculty home and cutting back to a “minimal operational level.” For the dogs used in the university’s experiments this could mean languishing in cages with surgical wounds and cables and wires protruding from their bodies, or it could mean that Wayne State employees intend to kill the dogs.

This week, the Physicians Committee wrote to President M. Roy Wilson. We said: “In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, please immediately order the permanent cancellation of Wayne State University’s invasive and deadly dog experiments relating to heart failure and hypertension. We also request that Wayne State find homes for any dogs currently being used in those studies in order to spare them further suffering or death.”

As we all continue to adapt to life during the coronavirus pandemic, schools across the country are closing their doors, and more and more kids are learning from home. It can be overwhelming for teachers, parents, and students, but Animalearn is here to help! Follow Animalearn on social media to have access to the best online life science teaching resources. They're all fun and some are free! LEARN MORE »

Due to ‘stay at home’ orders across the country, laboratory facilities have had to drastically reduce their staff and try to manage without enough workers to properly care for animals.

Labs seem to indicate that they will have enough resources to keep animals covered by the Animal Welfare Act (dogs, cats, primates). However, those not regulated, particularly mice, are being killed by the hundreds at several universities throughout the U.S. READ MORE »

Because chimpanzees can acquire other human respiratory diseases like influenza, sanctuaries are taking strict precautions to prevent passing along the coronavirus to the chimps in their care.

At Chimp Haven, they are restricting some human interactions, including physical exams, social introductions, and most training sessions for 30 days. Additionally, the March transfer of chimpanzees from a Texas lab to the sanctuary has been postponed. READ MORE »

What your teacher never told you about dissection. Join animal-friendly celebs Sierra McCormick, Jake Short, Christian Serratos, Steve-O, Sarah Hyland, and more and say NO to dissection in schools. Visit for all the facts & Dr. Nancy Harrison explores the Digital Frog 2.5 program as a cruelty-free alternative to animal dissection..
Busy Beagle Brain Teasers
Stop Animal Testing - Animal Testing Weekly Updates

Dogs, cats, monkeys, horses, mice, rats, and many other animals are being cut open, burned, poisoned, and killed in cruel and archaic experiments.

Animal testing is a major problem. About 1,438,553 animals [Not including rats, mice and other small animals] are killed in testing each year!  

These tests are cruel and in-humane.  

Animals are often taken form streets or bought from shelters to become test subjects! 

Just think, you could loose your pet one day and find out the animal shelter sold him/her to testers! 

The tests preformed are extremely cruel. And we fund them.

Many tax dollars go to these cruel companies to make animal tests happen. we need to reduce the amount of animal tests going on, if not get rid of tests for good.

But today, you can do twice as much to help end their suffering.

Please help the PETA "Stop Animal Testing" challenge today and sign the Petition to Stop Animal Testing at once!

"Corporations are people, my friend."
Our companies are known for creating products that enhance people's lives.  Through Sunset Corporation of America and its companies, we’re equally dedicated to improving lives.  Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.

Activism and Sustainability:

  • Gun Safety & Gun Laws

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  • Demand Action

  • Sustainable Action Network

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  • Grammy District Advocacy

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  • Wildlife & Oceania

  • Labeling & Transparency

  • Comprehensive Captivity & Hunting Results Databases


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