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Lolita Stolen 50 years Ago Today, Little Grey, Little White, Say No To The Nets at A Whale of a Week

Writer's picture: Don LichtermanDon Lichterman
Stop the Navy from "Taking" 295,715 Marine Mammals in the PNW

The U.S. Navy recently applied for exemption under the Marine Mammal Protection Act for the "incidental take" of marine mammals, in order to carry out training and testing activities in the Pacific Northwest. If approved, such activities would directly impact the endangered Southern Resident killer whales while traveling through or foraging in the Navy’s area of operations. It would also impact thousands of other marine mammals that live in the Salish Sea and surrounding areas. 

Incidental take. Never have two such small, casual words held so much meaning. Let’s first be clear on the meaning of take.  It does have a broader meaning under the law, “to [or attempt to] harass, hunt, capture, or kill any marine mammal,” and also includes, “the doing of any negligent or intentional act which results in disturbing or molesting a marine mammal feeding.” However, it’s highly reasonable to assume that take can result in the loss of an animal, even if not on the day of an event.

Incidental is somewhat synonymous with accidental but is deemed foreseeable. But despite being foreseeable—and therefore preventable— it is still allowed by law under certain circumstances.

If ever there came an abysmal time to add a source of potential harm to this population, it would be now. 2020 has been another record-breaking year of near non-attendance by these whales in the Salish Sea, legally designated as their “core critical habitat.” Not at all surprising, given that the spring return to the Fraser River of their favored prey—Chinook salmon—is at an all-time low.

The proposal allows for various cetacean species to be impacted by testing and training practices. These testing include, Torpedo Exercise—Submarine (TORPEX—Sub), Tracking Exercise—Submarine (TRACKEX—Sub), Mine Neutralization—Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Civilian Port Defense—Homeland Security Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection Exercises, Bombing Exercise (Air-to-Surface) (BOMBEX [A-S]), Gunnery Exercise (Surface-to-Surface)—Ship (GUNEX [S-S]—Ship), Missile Exercise (Air-to-Surface) (MISSILEX [A-S]), Submarine Sonar Maintenance, Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Training, and a lot more. The Navy also acknowledges that "acoustic and explosives stressors are most likely to result in impacts on marine mammals that could rise to the level of harassment, and NMFS concurs with this determination". Yet they still plan on going through with the proposal. 

We cannot allow this. The Salish Sea is a precious habitat for the Southern Residents and countless other marine animals. The Southern Residents cannot afford an impact on even a single individual. But yet the Navy is seeking authority to take up to 51 whales. That’s right. 51 out of an Endangered population that stands today at 72 animals. This is deemed negligible? Negligent, neglectful certainly, but NOT negligible.

More Belugas Means More Suffering: Tell Georgia Aquarium to Stop Breeding Them

This spring, the Georgia Aquarium was pleased to announce the birth of a beluga calf, but adding to the number of cetaceans suffering in captivity is nothing to celebrate. Instead of the invigorating freedom that wild belugas enjoy, the confined prisoners of Georgia Aquarium experience nothing but crushing boredom and premature deaths. Your voice is needed to urge the Georgia Aquarium to stop breeding cetaceans and phase out cetacean captivity! ACT NOW

Beluga whales Little Grey and Little White move into their sea sanctuary care area in Iceland

The two beluga whales, Little Grey and Little White, are now safely in their new sea sanctuary care area at Klettsvik Bay in Iceland. The moving of the whales into the world’s first open water sanctuary for belugas, was completed on Friday 7th August at 12:30pm Icelandic time. Little Grey and Little White are now in their bayside care pool and will need a short period of time to acclimatise to their new natural environment and all the outdoor elements before their final release into the wider sanctuary in Klettsvik Bay in the Westman Islands off the south coast of Iceland. The Sanctuary, operated by charity the SEA LIFE Trust and which is the first of its kind, was built with the support of a generous donation from Merlin Entertainments. Created in partnership with Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC), the SEA LIFE TRUST Beluga Whale Sanctuary is one of the biggest developments in captive whale and dolphin care and protection in decades and the first of its kind to be created for cetaceans.

This Orca’s Life Was Stolen From Her a Half-Century Ago

50 years ago, Lolita was violently torn from her family & then imprisoned in the world’s smallest orca tank.

30,000 hupback whales are currently migrating past the Gold Coast.

They are a major tourist drawcard, loved by locals. Yet underneath the surface lies a silent killer – shark nets. 

Just last month, THREE whales were entangled in as many days, including a mother and calf who struggled to free themselves for hours.

But it’s not just whales. The nets have killed 1,261 animals including turtles, rays, and dolphins. 

Alot of people aren’t aware shark nets indiscriminately kill marine life. Can you show them? Please click here to help expose the truth on three GIANT billboards.Help raise vital awareness about deadly shark nets

Your billboard on the main boulevard in Surfers Paradise. 

AFD has reserved three giant billboards, two in the centre of Surfers Paradise and another on busy West Burleigh Road. We need to raise $10,000 before August in order to lock them in, and raise vital awareness about these killer nets.

Our companies are known for creating products that enhance people's lives. Through Sunset Corporation of America and its companies, we’re equally dedicated to improving lives.  Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.

The Sustainable Action Network (SAN), A Don Lichterman non-profit organization dedicated to building a global community raising awareness of corruption, injustice and the need for action across a full range of issues impacting people and animal/wildlife welfare around the world, such as conservation, climate change, campaign law, lobbying, government action and rescue work. SAN’s vision is to create safer world, free from political, environmental, and social oppression, where all the inhabitants of Earth can live in harmony within their own natural environments. Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.



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