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Motorworks Brewing, Shelter Manatee, Fasby, Bait Dogs & 300 Chickens being Rescued Now at Rescue TV!

Writer's picture: Don LichtermanDon Lichterman

The SAN Rescue Network, Wildlife Aid TV, Official PETA TV, Flying Fur Animal Rescue, Animals Asia, ASPCA, Hope For PAWS, Beagle Freedom Project...

Motorworks Brewing in Bradenton, Fla., is labeling beer cans with dogs available for adoption in a unique promotion of animal rescues.

In partnership with Shelter Manatee, the brewery is selling cans of Kölsch lager featuring dogs in need of forever homes at the Manatee County adoption center. Each label contains a story about the featured dog, as well as information about Shelter Manatee’s plans to build a new shelter.

Since the project’s purpose is to advocate for adoption, there is no guarantee that the dogs on the cans will still be available at the time of purchase, but the rescue has plenty of equally adorable, loving dogs awaiting new families.

Brewery customers who aren’t currently looking to adopt a dog will still be helping animals in need, as a portion of the proceeds are donated to Shelter Manatee and will go towards the construction of its new facility.

“Money is going directly to the shelter for that,” the brewery’s director of sales and marketing, Barry Elwonger told Fox 13 News, “and we want to make sure that the people know about the different dogs that are looking for homes.”

The custom cans debuted last Sunday at an event featuring silent auctions, drink specials, and food trucks. Thus far, the campaign has received an overwhelming amount of support.

The beer is available in four-packs and cases of 24 at Motorworks Brewing in downtown Bradenton until it sells out. For more information, visit the brewery’s website.

A beer can campaign, intended to promote dog adoption in Bradenton, Fla., helped one Minnesota resident find her long-lost friend.

Monica Mathis of St. Paul, Minn., lost her beloved dog, Hazel, three years ago while living in Iowa. Recently, she noticed a picture of beer cans featuring dogs available for adoption on Facebook. One of the dogs had an uncanny resemblance to Hazel.

Skeptical because Florida is so far away from Minnesota, Mathis doubted that Day Day, a name given to the dog by the Manatee County Animal Shelter, could be Hazel. She decided to call the shelter to double-check, and they verified through records that the dog is actually Mathis’s long-lost companion.

“I really didn’t think I was ever going to see her again,” she told FOX9. “I’ve been thinking about her every day, but you know, that was my baby.”

As it turns out, Hazel is microchipped, but Mathis’s contact information was outdated, and the shelter was unsuccessful in locating her. Mathis had lost the contact information for the microchip company when she moved to Minnesota and was unable to update them.

“Keep track of exactly what company you use.” she told Fox13, “Make sure your stuff gets updated, especially if your pet goes missing, and don’t ever give up.”

No one knows how Hazel ended up in Florida. The non-profit Friends of Manatee County Animal Services will transport her to Minnesota in a few weeks, free-of-charge.

“I was so lucky,” Mathis said. “So lucky that I saw that … that she actually got picked and put on a can, because I would have probably never seen her again had I not seen that.”

Circuit Solicitor Byron E. Gipson

Scarred and malnourished, six dogs were found suffering in cages at a suspected dogfighting operation. One poor dog, kept in a small, homemade crate, had extensive scars and fresh bite wounds on his head, face and muzzle. These injuries are typically indicative of dogfighting or “baiting.”

After receiving calls about suspicious activity, officers in Columbia, S.C., found the heartbreaking scene, according to reports.

“Bait dogs,” tortured in an effort to train competing dogs, are generally tied up with their mouths taped shut and brutally attacked. Most of these animals suffer agonizing deaths.

The dogs supposed caretaker, Chasity Katherine Hammonds, has been arrested and charged with animal fighting and baiting.

These six dogs deserve justice. Sign this petition urging Circuit Solicitor Byron E. Gipson to treat this case with the severity it deserves and prosecute Hammonds to the fullest extent of the law, including a life-long ban on having animals.

Today on Monday, we are liberating 300 sweet birds from a battery cage egg farm. They have lived almost 2 years in a wire, metal cage. Their feet never touched the earth. They never felt the sun on their backs. They never flapped their wings or raced across a pasture. Soon, they will be free.

The Animal Place team is excited, though this rescue does not come without its challenges. To name a few:

  • The chicken barn at the Rescue & Adoption Center in Petaluma is finally up...BUT it has no water or power running to it.

  • We hired a manager for the property, but he started training last week!

  • We have not yet hired other staffing for the Rescue & Adoption Center.

But, we’re making it happen. This will be the first group of lucky birds to step foot at the new Rescue & Adoption Center. Their stay in Petaluma will be short, though. They will be health-checked and tested for Newcastle. When results return, partnering sanctuaries will pick up their hens and the remainder will head back to Grass Valley where we prepared an open barn for them.

They will spend 10 days being cared for until they are re-treated for parasites and placed into pre-screened, pre-approved forever homes. Any bird who exhibits illness will remain at our sanctuary as permanent residents.

We will share photos and video of the hens when they get to Petaluma. I’m sure you will love seeing these girls fly free for the first time! (If you can’t wait, here’s a video from another rescue).

How can you help? Follow us on facebook, and keep your eyes peeled for our livestream on Monday. We’ll show you the transport, arrival, and release of the birds! You can also donate to our facebook fundraiser, to help pay for supplies, transport, and medical costs.

We can’t wait to meet 300 precious individuals, and share the experience with you!

Dillan Rescue Update: Relaxing at The Wild Animal Sanctuary

Dillan, a morbidly obese Asiatic black bear who suffered for years at the Union County Sportsmen's Club in Millmont, PA, is now relaxing at The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keenesburg, CO. Dillan had spent his days rocking back and forth, a sign of extreme distress and likely pain from his severe dental disease, but since arriving at the sanctuary, he no longer exhibits this abnormal behavior. He is on the road to recovery and will soon be released into multi-acre naturalistic habitat where he'll be able to roam, forage for food, hibernate, and finally be a bear.

Fasby survives THREE coyote attacks - see his survival techniques at the end!

Fasby had to be rescued TWICE, and it's just a miracle that he survived to tell the story. For this Valentine's Day, please give your Valentine a meaningful gift that saves lives:

Valentine's Day for Motan and Pisa

Motan and Pisa enjoyed their special Valentine's enrichment.️ The duo was rescued from Gaza have made significant improvements since arriving at our project, LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary & Lodge .

Fox gets his HEAD stuck in a METAL PIPE!

We've seen foxes stuck in everything from garden fences to car tyres, but this particular patient (filmed for Wildlife SOS series 9) left us scratching our heads a little! He was rushed into the centre after the RSPCA found him with his whole head stuck in a metal pipe. Despite efforts, Simon and the team were unable to dislodge him with the plastic funnel technique, so it was time to break out the power tools...

Fixing a buzzards BROKEN BEAK... like a dentist!

In our line of work, we always have to be ready to adapt to any situation that comes our way. When this buzzard arrived at the centre with a fractured beak after an impact, our vet team had to think of a way to fix it quickly! Using a special cement used in human dentistry, Maru (our lead vet) carefully set everything back into place before leaving the bird to recover for three weeks. Amazingly, her work was a complete success and the buzzard was soon able to fly free once more!

This bird is covered in GLUE! Can we save it?!

This pigeon was recently admitted to the centre covered in an unknown sticky substance. Although initial reports thought it to be tar, further investigation found it to be glue - likely from a glue trap or flypaper. Pigeons, like all birds, have very delicate feathers, and our vet team spent several days making sure this little guy was fit for release once again!

The future of The Wildlife Aid Foundation! Simon will be talking about the future of Wildlife Aid and what that entails.

From humble beginnings The Wildlife Aid Foundation has grown into one of the most influential and experienced wildlife care charities in the UK. It is based at the same site it was first established on almost 40 years ago, a site which can no longer accommodate the charity’s growing workload and ambition. We have outgrown our home, and we need to move.

For almost a decade we have been investigating relocation possibilities and, thanks to a generous legacy left to us in 2014, we were able to purchase 20-acres of land less than a mile from our current site in Surrey. In 2017 we were granted planning permission to build a new centre on this land... here are our plans for the future!

We can only make this happen with your help. If you would like to support us, please see for details.

Volunteer with the Animal Rescue Team

One of the most commonly asked questions for our Animal Rescue Team is, “How can I volunteer?” Our team has—and relies on—a strong network of volunteers to help us make a real difference for animals in rescue and disaster relief work. We truly depend on them to help us get this important, lifesaving work done.

One of the most common mistakes prospective volunteers make is waiting until a natural or man-made disaster strikes to begin the application process and to begin proper training and preparation for becoming an Animal Rescue Team volunteer. Unfortunately, by then, it’s too late. If you want to volunteer, it’s important to apply before a disaster. If you get everything done early, you, like our many other volunteers, will be ready to deploy when animals need our help.

I can’t speak enough to the impact people feel from saving animals in need. If you want to make a difference, this is a way to do it. I encourage you to start your application today. With hurricane season on the horizon, our team will be ready to deploy at a moment’s notice - The Humane Society of the United States


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