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NJs Humane Cosmetics Act, Colombia bans Testing, Elisabeth Murray, Science Bank, Stop Using Animals

Writer's picture: Don LichtermanDon Lichterman
Please submit a brief message to your state legislators and urge them to cosponsor A795/S1726.

You can simply say, "Please support A795/S1726, NJ’s Humane Cosmetics Act, to end the sale of animal-tested cosmetics in New Jersey."

In a major victory for animal rights, Colombia will become the first South American country to ban cosmetic testing on animals, thanks to a new law signed by President Iván Duque Márquez on August 10.

The legislation, which becomes effective in 2024, will prohibit the use of animals for testing cosmetics products and ingredients for both imported and manufactured goods.

Introduced in 2018, the bill was authored by Congress member Juan Carlos Losada, who worked with Animal Defenders International (ADI) Colombia to advance the proposed legislation. ADI provided research and testimony on how ineffective testing cosmetics on animals is, and the bill gained the favor of the Colombian government, the National Association of Businessmen, and all 14 political parties in the country, according to a press release ADI provided to Lady Freethinker.

“This humane and historic new law will spare the suffering of countless animals in needless cosmetics tests,” said Jan Creamer, President of ADI. “Thank you, Colombia, for leading the way in Latin America, we hope to see other nations take similar action.”

“With the approval of this law, Colombia advanced as a country towards community development free of animal exploitation,” said Senate bill co-author Richard Aguilar. “It is time to discard any product manufactured at the cost of animal suffering, to advance the protocols and the ways we investigate and to be on par with world leaders in scientific innovation, for whom these practices are considered cruel.”

Colombia joins nearly 40 other countries in banning cosmetics testing on animals, as more people recognize that this practice is cruel and unnecessary.

Cosmetic testing on animals is inaccurate and unreliable because it fails to account for differences between species, producing results that aren’t necessarily applicable to humans. As a result, companies around the world are increasingly adopting non-animal techniques that yield more useful results.

Cruel tests are still conducted on rabbits, guinea pigs, mice and rats for the sake of cosmetics.

These animals can have substances forced down their throats, dripped into their eyes or smeared onto their skin before they are killed.

Animal testing for cosmetics isn’t just cruel, it’s unnecessary. There are thousands of available ingredients that have a history of safe use, and many non-animal testing methods have been, and continue to be, developed for new ingredients.

A795/S1726 would end the sale of animal-tested cosmetics in New Jersey. California, Illinois and Nevada, along with more than 30 countries, have already passed similar laws to address this archaic practice.

New Jersey should follow in these states’ humane footsteps and become the next state to ban animal testing for cosmetics.

Please submit a brief message to your state legislators and urge them to cosponsor A795/S1726. You can simply say,

"Please support A795/S1726, NJ’s Humane Cosmetics Act, to end the sale of animal-tested cosmetics in New Jersey.

With a new school year upon us, teachers and students are being forced to navigate a new education playing field—one that includes virtual classrooms and limited capacity teaching spaces, where students and staff must be socially distanced.

These uncertain times present an opportunity for positive change to benefit the estimated 10-12 million animals who suffer and die for dissection in U.S. science classes each year.

Last spring, when schools simply were unable to do planned classroom dissections, teachers and school administrators throughout the U.S. turned to Animalearn for assistance, and we helped them discover the lasting benefits of humane science education.

The time is now to build on that experience and bring high-quality alternatives to dissection to more biology classes. But we need your help.

Animalearn has always worked constructively with educators, students, and schools to end the harmful use of animals in education. We know that:

Dissection alternatives result in learning outcomes that are better than or equal to traditional dissection, from kindergarten to college.

In a recent national survey, 68% of 7th-12th grade U.S. public school students said students should have the right to opt out of dissecting animals in school.

Alternatives enable students to learn and instructors to teach without exposure to hazardous chemicals, and in the safety of their own homes.

MAKING THE SWITCH: Animalearn’s free lending library, The Science Bank, offers students, educators, and parents hundreds of innovative life science education products, including access to comprehensive remote learning resources for teachers and students who are seeking innovative and humane options instead of risky, in-person life science labs.

Please consider giving helping out today to support humane science education.

Your thoughtful contribution will make a tremendous difference for animals, people, and the planet.

Will These Activists Be the Ones to Stop Elisabeth Murray’s Horrific Fright Tests?

Young activists from Students Against Speciesism are fighting to end Elisabeth Murray's decades-long killing spree of monkeys like Guinness. Follow @ PETAxSOS on IG to see what steps they’re taking to #EndMonkeyTerrorExperiments.

Investing in Animal-Free Research Will Save Countless Lives

Testing on animals isn’t just cruel and ineffective, it’s also completely unnecessary. From organs-on-chips to 3-D human lung models, the future of scientific research is already here and it’s 100% animal-free. Urge your member of Congress to save countless lives by supporting PETA’s Research Modernization Deal today: h

Non-animal Methods Now

A group of researchers in Canada are working together to create a model made of human cells that they hope will eventually lead to a treatment for COVID-19, without the use of animals. The key to understanding how the virus can spread throughout the body so quickly is to examine its effects soon after infection, but before symptoms are experienced. Researchers say this would not be possible in humans since a patient might be infected for two weeks before symptoms appear. However, by creating mini models that mimic the movement of human cells in the nose, mouth, eyes, and lungs, and then exposing them to COVID-19, researchers will be able to see how the virus works, in real time, as it invades the body. READ MORE

The Leaping Bunny Program, managed by AAVS, has recently posted its most up-to-date listing of cruelty-free companies, including those that have successfully completed its annual recommitment process.

By requiring companies to recommit to being cruelty-free in order to keep their certification, Leaping Bunny provides the most reliable and trustworthy list of companies that don’t test on animals. READ MORE

Stop Animal Testing - Animal Testing Weekly Updates

Dogs, cats, monkeys, horses, mice, rats, and many other animals are being cut open, burned, poisoned, and killed in cruel and archaic experiments.

Animal testing is a major problem. About 1,438,553 animals [Not including rats, mice and other small animals] are killed in testing each year!  

These tests are cruel and in-humane.  

Animals are often taken form streets or bought from shelters to become test subjects! 

Just think, you could loose your pet one day and find out the animal shelter sold him/her to testers! 

The tests preformed are extremely cruel. And we fund them.

Many tax dollars go to these cruel companies to make animal tests happen. we need to reduce the amount of animal tests going on, if not get rid of tests for good.

But today, you can do twice as much to help end their suffering.

Please help the PETA "Stop Animal Testing" challenge today and sign the Petition to Stop Animal Testing at once!

"Corporations are people, my friend."

Our companies are known for creating products that enhance people's lives. Through Sunset Corporation of America and its companies, we’re equally dedicated to improving lives.  Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.

The Sustainable Action Network (SAN) is a leading global non-profit organization (a Don Lichterman non-profit organization) dedicated to building a global community....



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