On The Rampage with Don Lichterman talks about tonight's Demanding Women: Quarantine Conversations About Gun Violence," a conversation with Senator Elizabeth Warren Town hall Event, tomorrows Dinner and a Movie on Cinco De Mayo, the Elephant in the Room, about What We Don’t Know About the Coronavirus, COVID Surges in Meat Plants, Pulse Oximeters, The Vending Lot, Live Jam 107 all week, NJ Hospitals to Receive $1.7B while Parks & Golf Courses Reopen in NJ, Canada Bans ‘Military-Grade’ Assault Weapons, Gun shops, NRA-Trump, Supreme Court, Gun Safety Report, Covid-19’s Second Wave and how does it work in northern and southern hemispheres with different winter's, scientists saw the coronavirus coming and so did everyone else and Trump's pandemic insanity & 'Why does Love Got To Be So Sad'...Plus, so much more on today's Podcast!
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