On The Rampage w/ Don Lichterman on Trump's Unilateral Decision to pull our troops out of Syria allowing the Turkish Military to enter Northern Syria, Rams play the 49ers this week, Donny Deutsch, "Stop Animal Testing" challenge, Shelter Safeguard Program, NEAVS, SCA Shuts Down the Sunset Book Publishing Co., Redistributes its books through Lulu Press, MLB Playoffs & How do you get away with murder?
Sunset Daily News & Democracy Now, Newark Water Crisis: Mayor Ras Baraka Responds to Critics & Promises City Is Working on Solution, “Impunity & Corruption”: Haiti Protesters Demand President Moïse’s Resignation Amid Failing Economy, Hong Kong Youth Face Military Crackdown While Fighting “One of the Most Unequal Societies Anywhere”, This is Not A Drill: 700+ Arrested as Extinction Rebellion Fights Climate Crisis With Direct Action, "A Shakespearean Act of Betrayal": Trump Agrees to Let Turkey Invade Kurdish-Controlled Syrian Area, A Backlash Against Our Existence": Laverne Cox Speaks Out on Violence Against Trans Women of Color, Charles Ferguson on Nixon: "He didn’t have to do any of this stuff", Botham Jean Family’s Lawyer Hails White Cop’s Murder Conviction as “Precedent-Setting Case”, "Reagan's wet dream of neoliberalism": The roots of San Francisco's homelessness crisis, How Watergate exposed the Nixon administration's infiltration of the antiwar movement and more News to Report!
