Follow our Northwest Representative Robb Krehbiel as he works in the community to build and fund orca rain gardens in Tacoma, Washington.
You're part of a wildlife dream team. And I just wanted to express my appreciation for your support.
Also, I’d love to introduce you to one of your fellow wildlife lovers. Robb Krehbiel is our Northwest Representative, based in rainy Seattle.
Robb lives in orca country. And all that rain Seattle gets washes all manner of city pollution into Puget Sound. That’s a big reason why orcas and other ocean wildlife in the region are hurting.
Please enjoy this video. We made it for you and other members of our wildlife community. And don’t forget, none of this can happen without your continuing support!
Endangered Blue Whales
Take Action: West Coast Orcas to Be Hurt by Navy War Games
The U.S. Navy is planning massive training exercises in the Pacific that could injure thousands of marine mammals. These activities include sonar, explosives, air combat and torpedo testing along the coasts of California, Oregon and Washington.
West Coast orcas are already in crisis and can't afford more stress. Sonar and other noise from these war games can deafen and kill whales. They also interfere with communication and feeding.

This has led NOAA officials to declare this startling number of deaths an Unusual Mortality Event, or UME.
You might be asking yourself: "What does a UME declaration mean?"
This means that NOAA can rally the troops, so to speak, to find out more about these gray whale deaths. The Marine Mammal Center is a key partner for this investigation.
But you see, none of this vital work is possible without your help.
Once we figure out why so many gray whales are dying, we’ll be able to inform concerned people like you how you can help.
Our experts are already hard at work, but Friend your support will allow our scientists to continue rigorous investigations on why these whales are dying.
The time has finally come! After working hard on refitting the newly purchased vessel "The Modoc", the hull is cleaned, the engines are running and the bridge is ready for action. A big shout out to all the great volunteers, that helped making this happen.
For the first voyage the Modoc is heading down the West Coast to Ensenada Mexico, where the final touch-ups are being taken care of, before setting sails to Central America and across the Pacific.

After months of relentless hard work the Modoc is getting ready. Over the past 6 month the crew has grown to 13 dedicated volunteers that will get the boat ready for future missions to Central America and across the Pacific.

On the first part of the voyage, the Modoc will be cruising through the beautiful Puget Sound - home to the Orcas. While refueling and restocking on essentials, the crew will stop over in Port Townsend till every last bit is ready and fastened for the open waters.

Once in open waters Ensenada, Mexico is the next port of call. There will be 2 more planned stop-overs in Los Angeles and San Diego, where the much longed-for Schiebel S100 drone will join the Modoc.

This will be put to great use in fields of fishery patrols, in particular for locating illegal fishing vessels and recording positions and times of law infringements across the pacific.
This is your chance to get involved in something awesome. Since we're refitting and running an entire ship now, there's a great chance we can get you on the team. You are a keen worker and want to make an impact? Don't be shy. Click on the links above, or send me an email.
