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Raymond, Voter Suppression Tactics in place, Coronavirus Pandemic, New Sundance Recaps at Sunset TV!

Writer's picture: Don LichtermanDon Lichterman
The New Poll Tax? Long Lines, Closed Polling Stations Hurt Black, Latinx & Student Voters in TX, CA

Long wait times plagued polling places in Texas throughout Super Tuesday, especially in districts with high numbers of black and Latinx voters and college students.

Many voters reported waiting in line for more than three hours to cast a ballot. At least 750 Texas polling sites have been shuttered since 2013, when the Supreme Court slashed federal oversight of Texas and other Southern states under the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

There were long lines, too, in Los Angeles, where many polling places reported problems with a brand-new $300 million voting system.

The Sanders campaign sued to keep polling places open an extra two hours, saying voters were denied their constitutional right.

The county registrar denied that request.

For more, we speak with Ari Berman, senior writer at Mother Jones magazine and author of “Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America.”


On Wednesday last week, our vet team at the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre made the difficult decision to end the suffering of our beloved bear friend Raymond. Raymond had been living at the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre since he was rescued on 15 September 2011 from a bile farm in Nam Dinh province, south of Hanoi along with two other bears, Yulgilbar and Caz.

Heidi Quine, Bear & Vet Team Director at the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre said: “I am thankful that we were able to give Raymond the dignity of a peaceful death while he continued to experience some joy in his life.

I am thankful that his last hours were spent as a happy bear, with his coconut and an indulgent number of treats. Most of all, I am thankful that because of you, we were able to give him just shy of eight and a half years of bliss.”

Amid the Warren-Sanders beef, have progressives missed their opportunity?

"The progressive movement missed a big opportunity to unite behind both Warren and Sanders in a front that would have pushed a progressive nominee into the convention," says Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza, after Tuesday night's round of Democratic primary voting saw Joe Biden pull ahead with a decisive victory in Michigan.

Garza supported Warren, but says that despite progressive infighting, both campaigns possess complementary strengths necessary to build a strong coalition. Intercept journalist Naomi Klein agrees, and reflects on Warren's decision not to endorse anyone after dropping out of the race last week.

"I agree with all of the people saying she does not owe anything to Bernie Sanders," says Klein. "I do believe as an elected politician who ran on a platform of Medicare for All, of a Green New Deal, of standing up for migrant rights, and standing up against racism, and standing up for women's rights — that she owes it to those issues."

Nurses on the Frontlines of Coronavirus Pandemic Demand More Protection & Medicare for All

The number of coronavirus cases in the United States has passed 1,000 Tuesday, with the rate of infections likely increasing.

Despite this, the U.S. continues to lag on testing, and healthcare workers say they lack adequate protection and protocols to allow them to safely care for infected patients.

They also say the country’s hospitals are woefully unprepared to handle the crisis. Nurses in the hot zones of California and Washington had already reported having to beg for face masks and lacking guidance on how to address the virus.

We are joined by Jean Ross, president of National Nurses United, the largest organization of registered nurses in the United States, which says Centers for Disease Control actually weakened its guidelines on responding to the pandemic by rolling back requirements for protective gear, not requiring infected patients to be in negative pressure isolation rooms at all times, and decreasing healthcare worker protections. In response, nurses with the NNU are holding a national day of action today to demand better protections for healthcare workers and the public.

We are also joined by Alicia Garza with the National Domestic Workers Alliance and Black Futures Lab, a co-founder of the Black Lives Matter Global Network, and Naomi Klein, senior correspondent at The Intercept and the inaugural Gloria Steinem chair of media, culture and feminist studies at Rutgers University.

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Top U.S. & World Headlines

The Fashion Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know These Facts About Cashmere

Do you know the effects cashmere has on the environment? It's estimated that 70% of Mongolia’s grasslands have degraded largely because of the demand for it. Desertification like this can cause dust storms reaching all the way to the U.S.

Anyone who has ever felt or even thought of the pain of losing a loved one knows that there is nothing quite as excruciating. Every pet owner's nightmare is waking up and finding that his/her beloved one has been taken. Across Southeast Asia, this is a reality for millions of dogs and cats that get stolen and killed for the dog and cat meat trade. Please support our campaign against this horrible crime

Students Learn How to Be Heroes for All Animals

PETA's mission statement is that animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way:

The website the meat industry doesn't want you to see:

Blind kitten sits in a parking lot and wonders how will she survive in this world.

Luckily for Kenshi, Hope For Paws got a call about her, and things turned around quickly once JoAnn Wiltz and Katie McKittrick arrived.

I really hope this will help convince you to join us with a small donation: Two days after the rescue, the mom, dad and the two siblings were captured too. The mom and dad never had human contact, so Loreta Hernandez and Jessica Holguin got them spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and released. They are fed daily, and they are happy. It is important to understand that there are THREE MILLION feral cats in Los Angeles and it's a real challenge. The best we can do is to try and get as many as possible fixed. Kitten season is almost here, and it's just a nightmare to be born to these conditions and I feel so sad for the ones we never hear about.

If you would like to see a longer version that includes the surgical procedure, you can see it here: - it's not for everybody...the surgery shows the removal of the eyes, but it really brings you closer to the things they have to deal with.

Kenshi was adopted to the most amazing home - you just have to see this kitten with the dogs at the end! Kung Lao and Raiden are still looking for a home, and if you would like to adopt them, please contact our friends at: Thanks for sharing our videos with your friends who LOVE cats :-) Eldad


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