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Bears Riku and Jeta reunited at Dancing Bears Park Belitsa
It seems like they couldn't wait to catch up where they left off before hibernation. If you remember, last year we announced how these two bears were socialised and were enjoying every moment at their forever home at Dancing Bears Park Belitsa, which we run in cooperation with the Fondation Brigitte Bardot. Indeed, they have had a great summer and autumn together, however, due to Riku's energetic personality (wanting to play all the time) and Jeta's preference of preparing for hibernation, our onsite team decided to separate them during winter. Following that, both bears have had a peaceful winter and hibernated for a few good months.
However as the mating season was approaching, by the beginning of spring, the team decided to reunite them again and since then they are together all the time.
Watching them being so happy, it's an inspiration for all of us, and almost impossible to imagine that before their rescue in 2017, they were known as “two of Europe's saddest” bears.
Nowadays, they live in harmony with each other, and their cohabitant Nastasja. When Jeta wants some quiet time, he then tries to bond with Nastasja
Dog Sunface
Dog Sunface was begging for food at a butcher shop, which is a common thing to do for hungry stray dogs. They hope to receive a piece of meat from the butcher or to just snatch away pieces that fall to the ground. One day, Sunface was going for a large piece of chicken, which upset the butcher so much that he cut off Sunface's nose with his knife.
A bystander immediately called our friends from Blue Cross of India. They found him badly injured but were able to save his life. He now is the official office dog and is putting smiles on everyone's faces every day. He likes to chase the other dogs, the peacocks and he is even not afraid to chase the water buffaloes if he gets the chance.
Please support our friends so they can help animals all over 🇮🇳 India
These orphaned baby badgers needed human help!
We are currently right in the middle of our busiest time of the year here at Wildlife Aid. Our 'orphan season' sees 80 new patients every single day and we can take a phone call every four minutes! These two young badgers were transferred to us from another rescue centre (WRAS in East Sussex) so that they could be raised in a group with out other badger cubs. Although still babies, they look just like miniature badgers! This is their story...
McKenzie was so scared of touch, but a hug changed everything!
We live in a world with a lot less hugs, but for McKenzie, it was what she needed the most! We would love to do many more of these rescues, so if you can, please join our team with a small donation: - if every viewer will participate with just $5, it will make a huge difference for so many animals. If you can't donate at the moment, please share the video with someone who will enjoy the video :-) Please watch this video until the end and see how confident she grows by the second! I am so proud of her!!! This video reminds me a little bit of Holly's video: If you would like to adopt her or any of the other dogs or puppies in this video, please visit our friends at Foxy and the Hounds: Thank you so much for watching our videos - it really helps us out!
The President bears need you!
The ‘’President Bears’’ Leo and Melanka have been kept in these barren enclosures since 2006. They were confined as little cubs and live in the presidential residence of Syniogora in the south-east of Lviv, Ukraine. Due to the current coronavirus measures, it is not possible to rescue Leo and Melanka yet. But we are ready and only lack the final support for the rescue from the State Management of Affairs (DUS), so that we can rescue Leo and Melanka right after the measures are lifted. You can help them by signing an e-mail petition to the Deputy Head of the State Administration of Affairs. With this approval, we can take the final preparations for their rescue and give them a new life at BEAR SANCTUARY Domazhyr as soon as possible. Can they count on you?
The Three Bears have moved to their new dens!
The hard work of our amazing bear care team has paid off and Alice, Bân and James have moved into their new homes. Watch the video to see how they're settling in and find out how our other recent rescues Florence and Clara are getting on after their health check last week.
Please support our work:
Vet repairs Baby Owl's broken beak
Sadly, this orphan season, we’ve had quite a few chicks falling from their nests, high up in the trees. Most survive the fall without injury, however, in our latest case the youngster sustained a nasty fracture to its beak. Working quickly and carefully to repair the fracture, Maru secured the beak in place using specialist medical equipment. It is now just a matter of time, to see how the owl heals.
Bear cub Mochi was rescued from the illegal wildlife trade
Do you remember bear cub Mochi, who was rescued from illegal wildlife trade in Vietnam? After rescuing the female bear cub, the team at @BEAR SANCTUARY Ninh Binh continues to provide her with all the care she needs to grow into a healthy bear, especially since she was saved at a vulnerable age. Mochi is doing well, is super active and keeps the team very busy! She gained 1.800 grammes and now weighs 3.8 kg. Sadly it is impossible that Mochi will be able to be released back into the wild, so she will remain at the sanctuary. The team is now looking into possibilities to introduce her to a special outdoor enclosure. Will you support Mochi’s new beginnings?
Volunteer with the Animal Rescue Team
One of the most commonly asked questions for our Animal Rescue Team is, “How can I volunteer?” Our team has—and relies on—a strong network of volunteers to help us make a real difference for animals in rescue and disaster relief work. We truly depend on them to help us get this important, lifesaving work done.
One of the most common mistakes prospective volunteers make is waiting until a natural or man-made disaster strikes to begin the application process and to begin proper training and preparation for becoming an Animal Rescue Team volunteer. Unfortunately, by then, it’s too late. If you want to volunteer, it’s important to apply before a disaster. If you get everything done early, you, like our many other volunteers, will be ready to deploy when animals need our help.
I can’t speak enough to the impact people feel from saving animals in need. If you want to make a difference, this is a way to do it. I encourage you to start your application today. With hurricane season on the horizon, our team will be ready to deploy at a moment’s notice - The Humane Society of the United States
