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Rescue TV, Lady Freethinker, Animal Balance, Student Animal Legal Defense Fund & Flight to Freedom!

Writer: Don LichtermanDon Lichterman

From Texas to Tulsa! Animal Balance is ready to begin our first of three planned clinics for the Tulsa Oklahoma area from Dec. 12th - 15th! We recently returned from a very productive feasibility visit where we met with our partners on the ground from the Tulsa Coalition for Pets as well as other animal welfare organizations who are doing great work in Tulsa already. We are looking forward to collaborating with local organizations to execute our MASH style high quality, high volume spay/neuter clinics.

Our first clinic will be held at the Tulsa Humane Society's HUB location. Animal Balance, with support from the Arnall Family Foundation, will provide owned dogs with free spay/neuter, DHLPP vaccination and parasite treatment. Appointments will be scheduled through our partners on the ground and our partners will also be recruiting local volunteers from their respective organizations to participate in our clinic. We are very excited to get this project underway and help to meet this area's demand for affordable and accessible spay/neuter for the public! 

We want to thank the Arnall Family Foundation and the Tulsa Coalition for Pets for their help and support of the Tulsa Campaign! 

We are still recruiting high quality, high volume veterinarians licensed in the state of Oklahoma, as well as veterinary technicians and volunteers to assist in recovery. If you are interested in applying to join us, please visit or click the link below! Help the AB USA Now! Apply To Volunteer For AB USA Tulsa

They Desperately Need Warmth. After surviving the horrors of the dog meat trade, dogs pulled from meat trucks and slaughterhouses now must endure the frigid winter cold. Some even risk freezing to death as the bitter weather sets in.

Lady Freethinker is helping provide the beds, housing and sustenance these dogs so desperately need.

Please help us keep fighting for these dogs' lives and working to end animal suffering around the world.

Lesniak Institute Partnership with Student Animal Legal Defense Fund

The Student Animal Legal Defense Fund of Rutgers University received the Lesniak Institute for American Leadership Advocacy Excellence Award for the 2019 year for its advocacy work with Desmond's Law and its efforts to give voice to animals to protect their rights. For more information about The Lesniak Institute and how to get involved with advocacy, visit:

Also, Vincent, the miracle cat, was adopted [Thursday, November 7] after four months in quarantine – a tribute to Sue who saved Vincent, Brenna who adopted Vincent, and my wife Salena who instilled in me her love for animals.  When Salena died, July 3rd, suddenly of a heart attack at the age of 43 yrs, I was devastated. I’m still suffering and will continue to grieve Salena’s death for the rest of my life, but am comforted by her gifts of love for all beings and a miracle that happened on the day of Salena’s funeral. On her way to the funeral, our friend Sue saw a little cat in the second lane of the highway injured and getting passed by cars that barely missed him. Sue asked, “What would Salena do? She said, rescue the cat! 

Unique looking injured dog surrenders in exchange for a cheeseburger.

We are able to help dogs like Fila only thanks to your donations. It doesn't matter if you can only give a dollar because all these donations add up and create these changes: If you would like to adopt Fila, please contact our friends at:

You have the power to save over 150 lives this November. Shelters often face overcrowding, and healthy pets are in danger of being put down. On November 19th, a flight will leave Fort Worth, Texas, carrying loving dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens. These animals will be flown to safety in Idaho and Washington, where they will be quickly adopted into their new forever home.

November's Freekibble Flight to Freedom will save 150+ dogs & cats from the threat of being euthanized!

On November 19th, a flight is scheduled to leave from Fort Worth, Texas, carrying over 150 healthy, loving dogs, cats, puppies & kittens. All were rescued from overcrowded, high–risk shelters and will be flown to Idaho and Washington — where they'll be quickly adopted into loving families… in time for Thanksgiving!

Most of these pets won’t survive if they don’t make this flight.

You can Help! Just $5 helps cover the fuel costs of flying a pet 125 miles towards safety.

In shelters across the country, highly adoptable dogs & cats are euthanized just because the shelters are overcrowded. In other areas, shelters have a shortage of adoptable pets. Freekibble Flights to Freedom works to save homeless pets by flying them to shelters where they're immediately adopted.

Dental specialist visits VBRC to treat resident bears

Two weeks ago the bears at the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre (VBRC) received a visit from Veterinary Dental Specialist Dr Cedric Tutt. 12 bears had dental health checks over four days; a mammoth task as usually only around a dozen bears would be seen for health checks in a whole month!

FEISTY young swan needs help, but doesn't like it!

At this time of year, young swans are being kicked out of their parent's territories and, sadly, many find themselves in need of rescue! This feisty youngster had come in to land at a local dump and wasn't able to find the run-up needed to take off again! Luckily, Simon and Lawrie were soon on hand to assist, relocating it to a much nicer stretch of river just round the corner!

Wildlife rescuer and wildlife artist talk animals! It's that time again! We will be going LIVE here on YouTube next Wednesday (November 13th) to answer your wildlife questions! In addition to Simon, Lawrie and Abbey, we will also be joined by incredible wildlife artist, Richard Symonds, to discuss his work and what he has done for us as a charity. If you're a regular viewer on the channel you'll know it usually involves heights! If you have a question for Richard, Simon, Lawrie or anyone at WAF, please leave it in the comments and we will try and get to all we can!

Vietnam drawing competition draws attention to bloody animal festivalsOn the 28th of October, an awards ceremony was held at the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre. The prizes were for a drawing competition to raise awareness about animal welfare issues and cruel animal festivals. There were lots of great entries and picking the winners was a challenging task for the judges.

Cam Anh Ng illustration 1st Prize in our Drawing Competition 2019. Winner of our drawing competition Cam Anh Ng tells us a little bit about her work and gives us a tour of the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre.

We want to extend our efforts and help you prepare for an emergency by providing you with a free emergency window decal that may just make the critical difference to save your animal companions' lives!

In Defense of Animals has been involved in countless disaster relief efforts across the United States. In August of 2017, Hurricane Harvey swept through Texas quickly destroying the land and the lives of those who call the area home. In Defense of Animals' Hope Animal Sanctuary in Mississippi quickly joined forces with other local groups to rescue animals from drowning and transport them to safety.

Our disaster relief fund has allowed us for decades to come to the aid of suffering animals in the wake of a disaster. We now want to extend our efforts and help you prepare for an emergency by providing you with a free emergency window decal that just might save your animal companions' lives!

The 'Please save my animals!' decal is best placed just inside the door or in a front window of your home or apartment to inform first responders of all the innocent lives who may be trapped inside in an emergency.

And you may claim up to 5 window decals to give to your friends and family. Our mission is to make sure all animal companions are rescued from the path of a disaster.

Part of animal guardianship is being prepared for a disaster, and we want to help you get started. Let us send you a free 'Please save my animals!' window decal today!

Whether it's a fire, a tornado, or a hurricane in the Deep South, In Defense of Animals' dedicated Hope Animal Sanctuary staff and volunteers are committed to putting boots on the ground in a disaster-torn area to save as many lives as possible. We are prepared at the drop of a dime to step in and provide care and support for animals who are left behind in a disaster's destructive path.

We look forward to being part of your disaster preparedness plan by sending you an emergency window decal. Claim your free, life-saving decal now to help your beloved animal companions stay safe during a disaster.

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"Corporations Are People Too My Friends."
Our companies are known for creating products that enhance people's lives.  Through Sunset Corporation of America and its companies, we’re equally dedicated to improving lives.  Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.

The Sustainable Action Network (SAN), A Don Lichterman non-profit organization dedicated to building a global community raising awareness of corruption, injustice and the need for action across a full range of issues impacting people and animal/wildlife welfare around the world, such as conservation, climate change, campaign law, lobbying, government action and rescue work. SAN’s vision is to create safer world, free from political, environmental, and social oppression, where all the inhabitants of Earth can live in harmony within their own natural environments. Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.

Activism and Sustainability:

  • Gun Safety & Gun Laws

  • Cruelty Free

  • Death Penalty

  • Demand Action

  • Sustainable Action Network

Fairness and Equality:

  • Grammy District Advocacy

  • Privatization

  • Voters Issues & Gerrymandering

  • Private Prisons & the War on Drugs

  • Finance, Housing & the Economy Corporate Responsibility:

  • Candidates, Bills, Laws & Protections

  • Wildlife & Oceania

  • Labeling & Transparency

  • Comprehensive Captivity & Hunting Results Databases


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