Chilean Senator to Support Ban on Cruel Live Animal Exports & Britain Set to Outlaw Import of Cruel Hunting “Trophies”
We’re one step closer to banning torturous live animal exports by sea from Chile along with the UK banning the importing from trophy hunting.
More than 30,000 of you signed Lady Freethinker’s petition to show Chilean Senator Guido Girardi your support of a new bill to ban live animal exports, which would save animals from a real-life nightmare.
A Lady Freethinker volunteer presented the petition to the senator, who promised to use your signatures to fight for this bill to pass in congress.
Now, your voices will be heard directly by the members of Congress voting on the ban.
The proposed legislation is a combined effort between Senator Girardi and the nonprofit organizations ProAnimal of Chile and Animals International of Australia.
This lifesaving legislation could protect thousands of helpless animals from an excruciating journey with little to no humane protections aboard cruel live export ships. The animals are shoved into overcrowded pens and often crush each other to death. Covered in feces and dirt, they become dangerously overheated, and may even be thrown off-board while still alive and conscious.
We must keep speaking until the Congress has voted on and passed this crucial legislation!
If you haven’t yet, sign now to add your voice.
For animals exported from Chile to China and the Middle East, the voyage is pure torture.
Living in filth and feces, the animals endure excruciating heat, no veterinarian care and overcrowding that crushes them to death. Sick animals may be cruelly thrown overboard into the sea while still alive and conscious.
More than 60,000 cows, pigs and other animals have endured such live export from 2014 to 2017. Those who survived were sent to countries with little to no animal welfare laws; once off the boat, they faced brutally inhumane transport and slaughter for consumption or even sacrifices.
But there is new hope. Chilean Senator Guido Girardi, along with the nonprofit organizations ProAnimal of Chile and Animals International of Australia, plan to propose a law to the National Congress of Chile banning live animal exports by sea.
Despite evidence and international public outcry, governments worldwide continue to fail to ban live exports and refuse to protect these helpless animals from the torture they endure.
But we cannot give up; the animals need us to speak up for them now more than ever.
With your signature, you can support legislation to save thousands of animals from the horrible suffering endured during live exports, and help ensure the current efforts are not made in vain.
Please sign this petition to show Senator Guido Girardi your support of ending live animal exports, and encourage him to keep up the fight until the cruel practice has ended.
Condemning the hunting of endangered animals as “morally indefensible,” the UK Government has announced it will set out new rules to protect animal welfare, claiming: “There is no place in this country for animal cruelty.”
The government has pledged to significantly strengthen wild animal protections by holding a consultation to prohibit the import and export of trophy hunting souvenirs gained from the vile slaughter of endangered animals.
The move could help save thousands of endangered species globally – including lions, tigers, elephants and rhinos – from being killed for “sport” by ruthless trophy hunters.
Animal rights advocate and recently appointed Minister for International Wildlife, Zac Goldsmith, announced the good news ahead of the Conservative Party Conference on 29 September.
“The fight against trophy hunting of endangered animals matters,” said Goldsmith. “It is clear that it is morally indefensible and that is why I am delighted that the Conservative Government will consult on a ban on the import of these trophies. By placing a higher value on animals alive rather than dead, we will begin to turn back the tide of extinction.”

The horrific result of a trophy hunt in Africa (Image Credit: Facebook)
Goldsmith’s appointment by Prime Minister Boris Johnson marked a significant step forward for animal rights in the UK. Johnson’s partner Carrie Symonds has long campaigned against trophy hunting, and Johnson himself recently tweeted: “We must end this barbaric practice.”
It is anticipated that the ban will be passed by parliament following the consultation and will come into effect as either primary or secondary legislation. The new rules will relate to animals listed on the Cites Appendix I and II lists, and on the I UCN list.
This is a very welcome move, especially considering that over the past ten years, 2,242 body parts taken from murdered animals – 15% of which were endangered – have been imported into the UK.
Other measures announced by the Government include looking at prohibiting the importation of exotic animal rugs and furs, a total ban on keeping primates as pets and ending all live exports for slaughter.
Nonstop Misery, Filth, Suffering in Decrepit Indiana Pig Farm
Footage reveals piglets in agonizing pain just out of reach of their distraught mothers, while others rotted nearby, teeming with maggots.
California Becomes First State to Ban Fur Sales
In a big victory for animals, California just became the first state to ban the sale and manufacture of new fur items. This will save thousands from being killed for “fashion” - the future more compassionate than ever! This is a victory years in the making, one that wouldn’t have been possible without our supporters and activists everywhere. Read about the hist
Stop the cycle of wolf killings in Washington. Year after year, Washington state has sanctioned the killing of wolves on federal public lands in the Kettle River Range, near the Idaho border. The given reason for these killings has been wolf attacks on livestock grazing in the region. But the state has never adequately pursued non-lethal methods of reducing wolf-livestock conflicts, and the killings continue. Take Action: Tell the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife to end senseless wolf killings
California bans circuses from using tigers, elephants, monkeys and other wild animals.

Gov. Gavin Newsom signs SB 313, saying there’s “no place on trapeze wires” for wild animals
Circuses performing in California will no longer be able to use elephants, lions, monkeys and other wild animals after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation Saturday calling some of the practices “deeply disturbing.”
“We are making a statement to the world that beautiful wild animals like bears and tigers have no place on trapeze wires or jumping through flames,” he said in a statement Saturday. “Just YouTube the videos showing the cruel way these animals – often stripped from their mothers as babies – are trained to do dangerous tricks.”
California joins New Jersey and Hawaii as the only states with similar bans. Also Saturday, in another bill signed by Newsom, California became the first state to ban the sale and manufacture of new fur products.
The circus-animal ban doesn’t affect rodeos or such horse-centered circuses as Cavalia.
Only a few small tent circuses with big animals, including Culpepper & Merriweather from Oklahoma, performed in California last year, so the effect of the ban is minimal, people in the wild animal industry say.
“Basically, it’s a non issue because there were only three circuses that traveled with exotic animals into California last year and they are no longer coming to California,” because of high permit fees and other onerous restrictions, Cindi Cavallini, a former elephant circus trainer who co-manages a Texas-based, acrobat-centered circus called Cirque MonteCarlo, said Saturday.
Circuses have been declining in popularity for decades. The most well-known act, the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, closed in 2017 after 146 years of performances.
The bill, SB313 sponsored by Democratic Sen. Ben Hueso from San Diego, had originally included a much wider group, including wildlife outreach organizations that were already accredited by the state’s Fish and Wildlife Department.
“It was all-encompassing and would have wiped out nature centers and other private facilities” that weren’t accredited by the American Zoological Association, said Jackie Navarro, executive director of Wild Wonders, a wildlife education center in San Diego.
The revised bill, she said, “is not an exotic animal ban. It is a circus ban and it will still allow 300-plus organizations in California to continue doing outreach programs with exotic animals.”
During a gruesome, illegal dogfight in Ecuador, a pit bull named Colo Colo was forced to fight against another dog for an entire, torturous, hour and a half.
Ripped to shreds and covered in blood, Colo Colo died a slow and agonizing death -- yet the maximum penalty possible for this extreme cruelty was a mere 30 days in jail.
Nearly 24,000 of you signed an LFT petition for justice for Colo Colo. And now, Ecuador has proposed a bill to toughen penalties for animal abuse.
Add your name now to let Ecuadorian lawmakers know that they MUST pass this bill to protect animals.
This lifesaving legislation would greatly increase penalties for cruelty, torture, sexual abuse, neglect, abandonment and fighting of animals, sending the message that animal abuse will not be tolerated.
We must keep fighting until this bill becomes law. Thank you for adding your voice to help stop animal cruelty.
Colo Colo, before he was forced to fight to the death

Cruel high-speed pig slaughter is about to go nationwide. Earlier this month, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued a final rule removing all line speed limits and allowing pig slaughterhouses across the country to police themselves – leaving millions of pigs vulnerable to increased suffering and terror. TAKE ACTION

A provision in the House Agriculture Appropriations bill would halt this rule (scheduled to go into effect on December 2nd) until the inspector general has studied the issue further. Please urge your senators to stop the high-speed pig slaughter rule.
This rule expands a problematic pilot program that allowed five of the nation’s largest pig slaughterhouses to increase the speed at which pigs are slaughtered. At one of these plants, killing pigs for Hormel Foods products like Spam and Natural Choice deli meats, an undercover investigation documented horrific abuse as employees struggled to keep up – including illegally dragging, kicking, beating and excessively shocking pigs with electric prods. Other evidence has confirmed numerous instances of pigs who have not been rendered unconscious before being killed – resulting in animals being boiled alive in scalding tanks and left to bleed out.
The Animal Legal Defense Fund submitted comments to the USDA, urging the agency not to go forward with this dangerous rule. We’re committed to continuing to fight it through every possible avenue. Help us protect pigs and contact your senators today.

Traffickers Locked Exotic Animals In Cages And Tossed Them Into The Sea To Their Death
A horrifying video has surfaced on the internet showing animal traffickers ditching their illegal cargo — live creatures — by tossing it overboard.
Sign the petition to ask Indonesian authorities to find these traffickers and hold them accountable.
The traffickers were apparently traveling between Java and Jakarta, which means the culprits could still be in Jakarta. That's why we are asking Indonesian authorities to find them. Whenever there is video, finding the responsible parties is not that complicated if authorities choose to prioritize it. Animal trafficking is the fourth largest illegal trade industry and we need to crack down on it now.
The video was apparently taken because the ship was potentially going to be searched and the criminals wanted to prove to their bosses that they didn't keep the animals for themselves. What that meant is that the men murdered dozens, maybe hundreds, of exotic animals. They threw birds that were still in their cages into the ocean as well as snakes and lizards. None of these animals had any chance of survival.
Exotic animal trafficking is a tragic and abusive industry, but this case is particularly heinous given that the animals were just murdered in a cruel and extended way.
Japanese Activist Says Leave Fish in the Water
Animal rights activist Ryuji Chua (aka @PeaceByVegan) recounts a childhood memory to explain what speciesism is and stand up for fish who are killed for food.

Right now, thousands of “pet” primates in the United States are suffering. Held captive by humans, these social, intelligent, and emotionally complex animals become depressed, aggressive, or diseased with no hope of a natural life.
In the primate pet trade, babies are ripped away from their mothers, who may be forced to breed over and over again by unscrupulous dealers.
All primate species – from tiny monkeys to larger apes, such as chimpanzees — are unsuited to life away from their own kind. And when they’re no longer cute and compliant, their guardians will often confine them to tiny cages where they’re more easily controlled, or may sell the animals or attempt to rehome them in overcrowded sanctuaries. But the animals will never lead normal lives, and are forever psychologically damaged.
While some states have primate pet bans in place, there is no federal law.
The Captive Primate Safety Act (CPSA) aims to address this by banning the sale or purchase of nonhuman primates for the exotic pet trade, both from foreign countries and across state lines.
Speak out to help stop cruelty to monkeys and apes!
Sign this petition to urge House and Senate leaders to pass CPSA, saving innocent primates from lives of deprivation and suffering.
Trapping Is Cruel and Dangerous!
Each year, millions of animals are caught in traps, killed in the name of “nuisance” wildlife control or for their fur. Animals caught in traps die slowly – by drowning, predation, exposure, shock, injury, or blood loss – sometimes after languishing for days.
Myths about trapping abound. Trapping apologists frequently claim that trapping is humane, tightly regulated, selective, and necessary. But, in truth, trapping is a cruel practice that causes great suffering. And, trapping is everywhere – public, private, and even protected lands and recreational areas are not immune. As a result, targeted and non-targeted animals (like household pets and endangered species), and even humans, can fall victim to these traps.
Enough is enough! It's time to tell trappers to "Shut Your Traps!"
This October, Born Free USA is doing just that with our new, limited-edition #ShutYourTraps t-shirt bearing the bold, compassionate message: "You're either against trapping or you're wrong!" Purchase yours today to support our work against this cruel practice and send the message that you are 100% against trapping!

The 27th Annual Animal Law Conference Representing Animals: Elevating Animal Status on October 25-27, 2019 in Portland, Oregon.
Are you ready to vote for animals!
Along with a coalition of hundreds of organizations across the country, we're urging our members to update their voter registrations and to make sure that they have met the qualifications to vote in their communities.
In order to continue to give a voice for animals in the halls of Congress and state houses across the country, we have to ensure we elect humane minded candidates—and you can't do that if you're not registered to vote. So update your voter registration today, ask your friends and family to do the same, and Get Political for Animals!
Become a Partner in Protection
Our Partners in Protection Program makes it easy to help animals throughout the year.
Inspire Your Animal Activism this October with Online Events!
We've got lots in store for you and your vegan activism this October. Join in two online summits to heal the planet, as well as explore new strategies to revolutionize our agriculture system, and meet motivational guru Justice King. READ MORE
Take Action, Responsibility & Wildlife...
"Corporations Are People Too My Friends."
Our companies are known for creating products that enhance people's lives. Through Sunset Corporation of America and its companies, we’re equally dedicated to improving lives. Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.
The Sustainable Action Network (SAN), A Don Lichterman non-profit organization dedicated to building a global community raising awareness of corruption, injustice and the need for action across a full range of issues impacting people and animal/wildlife welfare around the world, such as conservation, climate change, campaign law, lobbying, government action and rescue work. SAN’s vision is to create safer world, free from political, environmental, and social oppression, where all the inhabitants of Earth can live in harmony within their own natural environments. Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.
Activism and Sustainability:
Gun Safety & Gun Laws
Cruelty Free
Death Penalty
Demand Action
Sustainable Action Network
Fairness and Equality:
Voters Issues & Gerrymandering
Private Prisons & the War on Drugs
Finance, Housing & the Economy Corporate Responsibility:
Candidates, Bills, Laws & Protections
Wildlife & Oceania
Labeling & Transparency
Comprehensive Captivity & Hunting Results Databases