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VA Beach is the 156th Mass Shooting so far this year, Gun Safety at Sustainable Action Network (SAN)

Writer's picture: Don LichtermanDon Lichterman

Gabby Giffords & Mark Kelly - On Friday afternoon, a gunman opened fire in a municipal building in Virginia Beach. Twelve people are dead. Four others are injured and fighting to survive.

It’s only 152 days into 2019 and there’ve already been 150 mass shootings. Now, another community has been struck by a mass shooting. More families are living a nightmare.

Thoughts and prayers alone are not enough to prevent this from happening again. We need action now.

How many times do we have to see this familiar scene play out before we as a country say enough is enough?

Enough of our mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, friends and neighbors, going off to work in the morning and never returning home.

And yet again, we’re mourning the deaths of people whose country has failed them.

This is the world the gun lobby wants us to think is normal — one where we cannot expect our workplaces to be safe.

Congress knows how to address this problem.

They have the power to address this problem.

They know the steps they can take that will prevent future tragedies and make our country safer from gun violence.

A majority of Americans are ready for them to act.

It's time they took our calls for action seriously.

All my best,

Gabby Giffords

Sign our petition: Tell Congress it’s time to pass legislation that will keep our communities safer from gun violence — or we will elect a Congress that will. ADD YOUR NAME

Everytown for Gun Safety - Wear Orange '19

I wanted to make sure you didn't miss your chance to sign up for a Wear Orange weekend event for June 7th - June 9th! We're now at over 700 (!!) events nationwide to raise awareness about gun violence and honor all those affected by gun violence in America.

And don't forget to wear the color orange on June 7th!

Thanks for being part of the movement!

Wear Orange weekend (June 7-9) is already BIG. Nearly 3,000 people have joined more than 600 community events across the country for Wear Orange weekend — to make a statement we gather to show that Americans are unified in the effort to end gun violence.

Are you ready to help make this the biggest Wear Orange ever?

On Friday June 7, National Gun Violence Awareness Day, we kick off #WearOrange weekend by wearing orange and sharing online. Then, through the weekend we'll come together for community events all around the country.

The color orange has a long and proud history in the gun violence prevention movement.

Whether it's worn by hunters, Moms, or students across the country, orange honors the 100 live cut short and the hundreds more wounded by gun violence every day.

This week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced federal legislation to make 21 the new minimum age for purchasing tobacco in the US.

Now it’s time for him to do the same and raise the age to 21 for purchasing a firearm.

Under Mitch McConnell’s leadership, the Senate has done nothing to prevent 18-year-olds from buying assault weapons, rifles, shotguns, handguns, or ammo.

The best way we can encourage him to act is by building lots of public support for legislation like this.

So help us build that support today by signing our petition to Mitch McConnell:

If Mitch McConnell is willing to take on the tobacco industry in order to protect American children, he should be willing to take on the gun lobby too.

It’s up to us to hold him accountable so that we can pass laws that will protect our children and keep our communities safer from gun violence.

You can be a part of this moment by signing our petition and joining us in the fight.

If you're looking for assurance that times are changing, look no further than Nevada, Colorado, and New Mexico. Thanks to you, we've helped enact new landmark gun safety laws in all three of these "politically purple" states.

Earlier this year:

In Nevada, still reeling from the trauma of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, the Governor signed into law a comprehensive background check bill. The law requires background checks on all gun sales, including purchases made online and at gun shows.

In March, New Mexico became the 21st state to pass a comprehensive background check law.

And in Colorado, we won an incredibly hard-fought battle to enact a Red Flag law. Under the law, family members or law enforcement will be able to petition a court to intervene and temporarily suspend someone's access to guns if there's evidence that person poses a serious threat to themselves or others.

None of these victories came without bitter opposition. And behind each win was a dedicated and tireless army of gun safety advocates such as yourself. Whether you're a donor, a volunteer, a gun sense voter, or an activist on the ground, these victories belong to you.

And for that we are so grateful.

"Corporations Are People Too My Friends."

Our companies are known for creating products that enhance people's lives.  Through Sunset Corporation of America and its companies, we’re equally dedicated to improving lives.  Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.

The Sustainable Action Network (SAN), A Don Lichterman non-profit organization dedicated to building a global community raising awareness of corruption, injustice and the need for action across a full range of issues impacting people and animal/wildlife welfare around the world, such as conservation, climate change, campaign law, lobbying, government action and rescue work. SAN’s vision is to create safer world, free from political, environmental, and social oppression, where all the inhabitants of Earth can live in harmony within their own natural environments.

Our companies are known for creating products that enhance people's lives.  Through Sunset Corporation of America and its companies, we’re equally dedicated to improving lives.   Our commitment extends to helping local communities, fostering better educational systems, supporting the arts and culture, helping disadvantaged youth, protecting and improving the environment, animal welfare, wildlife issues and encouraging employee volunteerism.

Activism and Sustainability:

  • Gun Safety & Gun Laws

  • Cruelty Free

  • Death Penalty

  • Demand Action

  • Sustainable Action Network

Fairness and Equality:

  • Grammy District Advocacy

  • Privatization

  • Voters Issues & Gerrymandering

  • Private Prisons & the War on Drugs

  • Finance, Housing & the Economy Corporate Responsibility:

  • Candidates, Bills, Laws & Protections

  • Wildlife & Oceania

  • Labeling & Transparency

  • Comprehensive Captivity & Hunting Results Databases


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