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Volunteers featured, Slinky, Colette, Dogs in Croatia & more at Rescue TV!

Writer: Don LichtermanDon Lichterman

Our Volunteers are Vital to Saving Animals in Need!

Running our non-profit animal protection organization in Mumbai takes a community effort! The busy streets are home to countless animals who face hunger, illness, and injuries on a daily basis. Our IDA India team relies on our hardworking volunteers who help us care for as many animals as possible! READ MORE

When a shelter employee heard a faint whimper outside a local shelter, she found Dudley tied to a fence and stuffed in a box in the dead of winter. This freezing puppy’s collar was so tight that it had to be cut off so he could breathe normally. Once he was taken into Jurassic Bark Rescue, all of the hardships he had endured became clear:

  • Demodex Mange

  • Bronchial Pneumonia

  • Malnourishment

  • Bacterial infections

  • Heartworms

  • & a bone deformity that made every step incredibly painful

Jurassic Bark was able to treat Dudley for most of these conditions, but they could not afford the surgery needed to correct his painful bone deformity.

Unfortunately, Dudley’s heartbreaking story is not uncommon.

In the Croatian city of Dubrovnik, 300 dogs are still waiting for a municipal shelter, two years after Mato Franković, the new mayor, promised they would have one in less than 12 months.

The dogs live at the private Žarkovica Animal Shelter, on a mountainside just outside the beautiful medieval city where Game of Thrones was filmed. At Žarkovica, Sandra Sambrailo is taking care of the dogs until the new shelter is built. The problem is that Žarkovica is technically illegal. It lies on a UNESCO heritage site and the mayor is not allowed to supply it with electricity, water or proper buildings. The law forbids it and he would be fired if he helped.

No water, poor shelter, these dogs need our help!

This means that every day Sandra and workers climb the steep mountain carrying food and water for 300 hungry dogs.

New dogs arrive sick, wounded and hungry.

This is where Network for Animals comes in…We help Žarkovica in every way we can. We pay for a worker to help Sandra; we help pay for spay and neuter programs and emergency medical care for the dogs. And we’ve been doing this for three years.

We can’t stop until the new shelter is built, and so we earnestly plead with you to donate generously to Network for Animals today.

Without us, the dogs of Žarkovica would have very little hope. Sandra is hanging on by a thread, she’s getting older, the weather is getting harsher, and the dogs ever more needy. Please help us today so we can continue to provide urgently-needed help.

There is some good news – Mayor Franković has found land to build the shelter and has commissioned architects to design it. He’s handed the project to Network for Animals, so our experts can make sure it meets the goal of making it one of the best shelters in Europe.

We’re working really hard, with the goal of helping the mayor start building within a few months. This is part of the crusade to help dogs around the world.

We will help the mayor, we will help Žarkovica – all because we will do whatever it takes to help animals.


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