We've Seized a Dog Meat Truck!
We have just rescued 28 dogs found cruelly crammed together on the back of a pickup truck and bound for slaughter on the eve of Boknal—Korea's dog meat eating days! We have saved these lucky few from death and torture, but they need your help now, more than ever, if they hope to have a chance at recovery and life! The stakes are high—two dogs have already passed away from advanced heart-worm and severe neglect.
An army of 4 headed out to this rescue, but just two minutes into it, Loreta and I were called to an extreme emergency rescue (that video is coming up in two weeks). JoAnn and Katie completed this mission beautifully and thanks to them, Mystique, Superman, Aquaman, and Iron man are all safe and are now looking for a home. To adopt them, please contact our friends at Room 8: https://www.room8cats.org
Motan and Pisa have settled in incredibly well at our project LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary! We can already see major improvements since their arrival: both have picked up weight and aren’t so skinny anymore. Motan and Pisa are very close to each other and enjoy their enrichment time.
Dog Moo had been found tied to a pole under the scorching sun of 🇻🇳 Vietnam. His eyes were swollen so badly that he couldn't even see who was approaching him when we came for his rescue. However, he immediately trusted us to be the ones who would change his life for the better. His faith, strength and will to recover paid off as he has made a remarkable recovery: after five intensive weeks of antibacterial baths, oral medications, and a lot of love we can barely recognize him from the older footage. He has been fully vaccinated, neutered and is an incredibly sweet and happy little guy.
#EndTheCageAge Imagine...Trapped, hot, scared and without help. That is what every day is like for animals in cage farming. They can’t speak up but we can! Sign the 🇪🇺 European Citizens’ Initiative to end the use of cages! http://bit.ly/cage-free-world
They call it “pet ‘n’ play” — but it should be called “pet ‘n’ slay.”
Because the gray wolf puppies at Fur-Ever Wild, a roadside zoo in Minnesota, suffer a gruesome fate when they get too old to handle. The facility has admitted to pelting them — and sells their skin, skulls, teeth, bones, and other body parts in the gift shop or to taxidermists.
We’re suing Fur-Ever Wild for violating the Endangered Species Act (ESA) by killing these protected animals, and next month we go to trial. Your support drives legal work like this — so can we count on you once again?
The wolves and pups at Fur-Ever Wild are threatened by more than just the owner’s desire to sell their fur. They have also suffered from serious neglect.
Past reports from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have found contaminated water tubs, an “overabundance of flies” in the food prep area, and bugs and spider webs in an animal feed additive.
One inspector discovered a gray wolf named Tatonka with an open wound over her right tricep and a scabbed wound nearby. That inspector cited Fur-Ever Wild for using expired medicine on the wolf and failing to provide evidence that a veterinarian ever saw Tatonka for her injury.

These poor conditions have taken a toll on the wolves at Fur-Ever Wild. Captive gray wolves can live up to 17 years, but not at Fur-Ever Wild. Many of these wolves might live just a year or two before being skinned — and others die when they are just infants.
Cruelty like this cannot go unchallenged. Don’t let another wolf suffer and die at the hands of businesses like Fur-Ever Wild — make a renewal gift to the Animal Legal Defense Fund today to support Tatonka and other abused, neglected, and exploited animals.

After spending their lives struggling to haul heavy loads on the streets of India, 21 horses and ponies are getting their first taste of a life free from toil and neglect, veterinary care, and anything pleasant as the newest rescued residents of the sanctuary operated by Animal Rahat – a PETA-supported organisation. Will you be the benefactor of one of them?
Your involvement will immediately help PETA provide Animal Rahat with the funds it needs to pay for food, medical supplies, veterinary attention, hoof care, and more for these lucky rescued horses and ponies – and keep their vital and vigorous work for animals in India going strong.
For these horses and ponies, the story of their journey to Animal Rahat's sanctuary started when they were seized after police raids on their former owners. Through sheer persistence, Animal Rahat gained custody of the long-abused animals and immediately began preparations to transport them safely to its sanctuary more than 12 hours away.
Animal Rahat's spacious sanctuary is already home to more than 50 well–cared for, rescued, and retired animals, and the addition of these lucky new residents is a strain on the sanctuary's resources. The team there is giving the horses and ponies the compassion and attention they need, but ensuring that each of them receives life-long care exceeds the budget.
Supporting Animal Rahat's work through PETA's projects means you're essential to rescuing animals from horrible circumstances like this.

When the new rescues reached Animal Rahat's sanctuary, they were welcomed with garlands and fresh green grass as well as molasses as a special treat. With the exception of one poor horse who had to be put on intravenous fluids immediately and who collapsed on the way to the sanctuary, they are now all settling into their new life and have been running and playing to their heart's content across the spacious sanctuary grounds.
For the rest of their lives, these sweet horses and ponies will enjoy peaceful days, fresh food, clean water, and all the care and attention that Animal Rahat's animal experts can provide them with.

Whether they're giving abused animals a new home or rescuing dogs, pigs, and other animals threatened in droughts or dangerous floods, Animal Rahat must always be ready to respond when animals need the group most. Your contribution to PETA's projects supporting Animal Rahat will help us give its critically important work for animals an immediate boost.
Your support helps ensure these horses and ponies enjoy the peaceful retirement they deserve.

A female Eastern gray squirrel and her three young kits have a new home, thanks to a heartwarming act of kindness by firefighters who rescued them from a busy street corner in Santa Cruz.

The new mother allegedly scratched and bit a few people who got too close to her little family’s nest. It was the first time in Animal Shelter Field Manager Todd Stosuy’s 16-year career that a squirrel had to be relocated due to aggressive behavior.
Named Emily, the one-year-old squirrel and her newborns — who are so young, they haven’t opened their eyes or grown fur yet — were residing in a nest within a grapefruit tree. But, following reports that the squirrel had become somewhat overzealous in protecting her young, firefighters removed the family with the help of Native Animal Rescue volunteer Bill Snell, leather glove-clad and atop a ladder.
Native Animal Rescue says that a local resident had hand-reared Emily after the squirrel fell out of a tree when she was approximately four weeks old. Because of this, Emily became so accustomed to human contact, she lost her natural fear of people.
The organization stresses that in California, under both City and State law, it is illegal to raise wild animals without a permit.
Emily and her youngsters are now safe at the rescue center, where the babies have adapted to their new environment, according to Snell, who said this was the first time he’d had to relocate a squirrel’s nest.
Stosuy, who was at the rescue, commended Snell for saving the lives of the squirrels. “If we took them, they’d have to be put down,” he said.
Thanks to the efforts of Native Animal Rescue and the Santa Cruz Fire Department, this story has a happy outcome. However, it is important to remember that wild animals should not be raised as pets. If you find any animal in distress, contact your local animal rescue center.
Volunteer with the Animal Rescue Team
One of the most commonly asked questions for our Animal Rescue Team is, “How can I volunteer?” Our team has—and relies on—a strong network of volunteers to help us make a real difference for animals in rescue and disaster relief work. We truly depend on them to help us get this important, lifesaving work done.
One of the most common mistakes prospective volunteers make is waiting until a natural or man-made disaster strikes to begin the application process and to begin proper training and preparation for becoming an Animal Rescue Team volunteer. Unfortunately, by then, it’s too late. If you want to volunteer, it’s important to apply before a disaster. If you get everything done early, you, like our many other volunteers, will be ready to deploy when animals need our help.
I can’t speak enough to the impact people feel from saving animals in need. If you want to make a difference, this is a way to do it. I encourage you to start your application today. With hurricane season on the horizon, our team will be ready to deploy at a moment’s notice - The Humane Society of the United States
